Suggestions on what options and features could come in handy?
Suggestions on what options and features could come in handy?
They *ARE* making camera films: All their Vision3 stocks are camera films, as are Ektar100, Kodak Gold, Kodak Ultramax, Portra, ColorPlus, Tri-X, and T-Max in 35mm still photography. So you should better get your facts from more trustworthy sources.
I’m not denying digital has the upper hand on the market, but when we…
They filed for chapt. 11 in 2011, which basically meant they had their debts paid by the government and spun off their amateur still photography division as Kodak Alaris which is owned by the Kodak UK Pension Fund. Movie film and professional still photography are still with “old” Kodak at Rochester, who are still…
Define “functionality”.
What “end” are you talking about? Sound was intoduced as magnetically pre-striped carts in 1973 (even earlier, in the early 60s, by means of pilotone for Regular8), and K40, the de-facto standard in Super8, was only discontinued in 2005/06, after which Etachrome100D and some custom stocks carried on the legacy in…
I can’t see *ANY* grain on the linked clip. You probably mean the white specks of dirt. Dirt is more noticeably in negative than reversal, no matter what format, because hard-to-notice black will turn into nasty white snowflakes.
Never heard of a catchy little thing called telecine? There’s a high density of operative Super8 telecine services in most developed countries, and with this new camera, Kodak is offering one as well.
Kodak is still producing and selling millions of feet of film to Hollywood every year. What they did is spin-off their amateur still photography division into Kodak Alaris, which is owned by the Kodak UK Pension Fund.
In 35mm still photography, I’m happily using Ektar100 (based on the negative Vision stocks and its…