Ben H

Julia gets a free pass for even being out in public this soon after her loss.

Great. Now I’m crying in a McDonald’s. And it's not for any of the usual reasons.

I was thinking “You can’t won’t not touch the controls, but don’t do that.”

yeah, umm

It’s all the same ocean... The farther away you are, the more and move dilute Rio’s effluvia gets, but then you substitute that for local treated sewage and storm runoff and industrial pollutants, not to mention, *EVEN SHARKS HAVE TO PEE*..

good luck, now you are swimming in raw sewage

I find it hard to believe someone works 18+ hours a day/7 days a week. And if you do, there is something really wrong with you. I’ve worked a slightly less 12hrs/day for two weeks and I wanted to kill every one in sight by the end.

We need a word in English that means, “I really shouldn’t have laughed at that...but I did.”

This is why I’m not a zoologist. While others would validate their findings and announce to the world that they have uncovered a whole new species, I would have walked away saying

how about Whaley McDolphinface

We don’t know that for sure. All we know is that this one was found in the ocean. You can’t make a trend line from one data point.

A million times, this. If we didn’t have phones and cloud streaming/storage, we wouldn’t know about these incidents, and the narrative would come entirely from the police rather than the innocent victims. Police misconduct, abuse, and murder is not a new thing, it’s only that now that citizens have “body cameras” of

To be quite frank, if you are fearing for your own life, and the safety of your 4-year old daughter, not to mention the fading life of your innocent boyfriend, you should be able to put any damn thing you want on your Facebook if you think it’ll lead to you getting some help.

So much yes to this.

They should bring back The NEUUUWS too. Just a bunch of car guys/gals sitting on the couch offering spontaneous, unscripted opinions of upcoming cars. Great opportunity to learn more about their tastes, gel as a unit, and for us to see them not hidden behind a script.

Everyone is a critic and you’re part of something significant, but that makes me feel exactly no better about being a loudmouth.

It’s me alright. Oh, and I do live cars. I do live them daily. You can’t scandi flick your way round the hammerhead all deadpan while delivering a line to camera if you don’t have SOME passion :)

It’s Rory Reid. The Top Gear one. Squee if you need to :)

Agreed! I’m from NZ but Clarkson, Hammond and May were able to make the news interesting just from their own perspective and take on things. I have a very similar thing with an Xbox podcast; I’m not in the Xbox pool, but I love that podcast because the hosts have interesting and well-informed opinions that they aren’t

All currency and stock values are based on hokum and flim flam. BitCoin is just the king of speculation based value.