
Did the USA test some in Louisiana? Also interesting we let the UK test some on American soil.

Install ADW launcher or LauncherPro from the market if this didnt work for you. They both simulate the android 2.2 launcher very well.

@MifuneT: The text calls it a muzzle loader. AFAIK muzzle loaders aren't regulated by the BATF. For some reason they don't consider them "real" guns. You can actually order muzzle loaders out of catalogs and have them shipped to your door. No gun dealer, serial number, or paperwork required.

@Lactose_The_Intolerant: Amen!! As a huge C&H fan, I hated those Calvin-peeing stickers with a passion. (There was never a single comic strip that had him peeing on anything. Calvin was a kid with a big imagination, he wasn't a bastard.)

@Bard of Awen: I used to be really good at surfing and actually enjoyed it more than the skating. A couple weeks ago I tried to play it on an emulator and was just awful. I can't remember how the heck I managed to do it.

Giz, please edit this article a little bit:

Yay! This will force me to be patient and wait to buy a Gingerbread (Android 3.0) phone!

HOORAY. What an annoying gimmick this has been.

My daughter gets dizzy spells when watching movies in 3D, so everything we watch now has to be in 2D. Not once have I come out of a movie and thought "I really wish I could have seen that in 3D." I'm pretty sure if it was just my wife and I going, we'd still skip the 3D. I think other people have come to the same

@Tyrunn: This isn't a pissing match I want to get into, but you are so wrong here. They aren't using quick and clean guillotines in those films. They are using knives to slowly, painfully saw through someones neck. I'm not a fan of legal execution, but american execution methods are designed to be relatively quick

Ok, I would just like to point out that at least 60% of all antennagate hoopla is gizmodo created.

Its medic! Sandvich meat is medic!!!!

Paper: it never runs out of juice or has fatal signal issues or gets bricked when I try and flash faster note taking software.

@OgilvyTheAstronomer: Interesting, I had no idea they existed. Unfortunately it looks like digital backs are only available for medium and large format cameras. I was thinking more in the "Canon Rebel" range.

That iphone mount reminds me of an invention I always hoped to see: a digital camera insert that fits inside the body of a film based SLR. It would allow me to use one camera body for film and digital shots. (And save me the cost of buying a separate DSLR body)

@MT: That reminds me of an argument I once had with a co-worker. He claimed that HDTVs were capable of displaying resolutions higher than real life. Meaning a tree on an HDTV will be more detailed then if you were actually looking at the tree with your own eyes.

@skylr616: I believe that in order to register on the forums, you must first answer a battery of simple, relatable questions in the most demeaning way with the least amount of characters.

Hooray for JIT+Tracing!!!!

I like that this is a targeted update. I mean, an engie who is constantly under attack wouldnt have any time to wrangle his sentry, but an engie on defense would have a party killing enemies of his choosing with the biggest gun in the game.

Yes, it took features from chrome and opera. Not because they're copying them, but because those features are the way browsers are headed. If people had been like this when tabs were first introduces, all browsers nowadays would just be copies of whatever browser had them first.