
For the record, Arnold was a better governor of California than I expected. When we protested his proposed cuts to special education, he didn’t cut special education. He’s also the only politician I’ve ever heard prominently feature the words “I was wrong” in a speech. I’d much rather have him as president at this

Canada-spec Skoda 130. Didn’t get a picture though, so have two Skodas.

Same way my father, with an equally Hispanic name, born in PR, thinks he’s better than the rest of us. It’s a combo of a lot of things, a little self loathing, a little contempt for growing up poor and without power/privilege, getting a few lucky breaks combined with some hard work to end up better off than how you

Did I miss something in the article? I swear I just read that one of the idiots got 13 years and the other idiot 6 years of prison.

This is Jezebel. We are expected to worship Beyonce here an look down at Land Del Rey because, as someone has pointed out a few days ago, she’s “just a white chick who took up a Latina-sounding name”.

Not everything needs to have a racial element.

Kara is just an asshole (and might decide to single out innocuous comments to post on her twitter for ridicule instead of engaging), and sometimes when she is lazy she furthers racism in her critique. I am fucking tired of being marked down as some genetic wizard of hip hop and jazz.

Yes, I the tenor of this article is terrible but fits with a certain strain of thought that pervades much of the Gawker universe. It is very counterproductive. I could see if the problem for the author was that the music wasn’t good. I don’t know. I didn’t see La La Land (and never intended to either) but it seems

Somebody should go back in time and tell all the white people who ever made jazz — including the ones who did it before anyone even started calling it jazz — that they should stop.

I hear ya Kara....that Stan Getz.....Chet Baker.....Django Reinhardt....Bix Biederbecke and Dave Brubeck were fucking hacks. The world is much better served by listening to Nicki Minaj or Mariah and Salt and Pepa.

You guys are really ratcheting up the racism for the Oscars. Is it just for clicks, or do you really believe the skin color of these men affects their ability to write music?

The level of unthinking schadenfreude in this post and in the comments is frankly making me uncomfortable.

How so very brave of you to take a stand! In the future, hopefully anyone who responds to emergency situations makes sure their response comes from the purest of motivations so as not to introduce any sort of nuance or mixed motivations into the situation. IF ONLY this guy had taken a second and thought, “Yes,

That’s...not true.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but wasn’t the last financial crash because people making minimum wage were allowed to buy 200k houses? A car loan is roughly 30k and its not nearly the risk as a home loan.

If Pontiac made an 80's Jeep Cherokee in the late 90's they would have called it the Dodge Nitro.

Is it me or is Cadillac one of the only brands where when new people poke fun of them but 20-30 years later the cars look great? The car posted above is exactly what my Aunt owned for years. A big slab of metal on wheels with a waterbed soft interior you’d sink in up to your arm pits. At the time the thing was

Joseph Abboud Editon! Doesn’t get much more “American Luxury” than that!

It’s almost so ugly it’s pretty... but then it loops back around to ugly again.

OMG I never knew those things were also licence built in India!