My god- this was a fucking joke!!! Colbert intended it as a joke, she knew it was a joke, the audience knew it was a joke. Kind of like when African Americans say, “Bill Clinton was the first Black President.” It’s tongue in cheek. Humor, with a 1% touch of truth.
Are you telling me that a lifted Audi A6 is better than a Volvo estate? BURN THE WITCH
Right, its the fault of the police that his parents are gigantic pieces of shit.
It's Wilford Brimley, the cat!
I spent a year on the ground in Iraq at the height of the surge, and one of the most jarring re-acclimatizations upon return to the Western world was the offensive level of saturation of advertising. I'd gone a year without radio, television, billboards, etc., and I very clearly remember debarking my final flight into…
...Oldsmobile Bravada...
Everyone deserves to find their person.
Cool, more awesome toys for rich people to hoard.
Very cool, reminds me of this-
On what grounds do you assert that he will never care about his victim, be ashamed or experience genuine regret? Seriously, stop. This stuff - what you are doing - is part of the problem. People were FURIOUS that a father would defend his son, for God’s sake. How can people not understand that ALL OF THIS is about…
Only in puritanical America would a grown man being aroused by texts from a grown woman while lying next to a sleeping child be construed as that man’s sexual desire for his own son.
I apologize for being human. I’ll try to not let it happen again.
More dignified than the maser at least.
While I agree in principle, I’m not sure this is the right route to go. The broader the brushstroke the more shit it unintentionally paints.
Let’s make this 100% crystal fucking clear:
To start off - your “counter-argument” is to reduce anyone who disagrees with safe spaces as being upset that they can’t be politically incorrect. That is an ad hominem argument that has no standing, in college or the real world.
It seems to me that 20-somethings do have a certain amount of power, tenure or no. There in fact have been a few cases where tenured professors have been hauled before investigative boards based on the outrage of 20-somethings. While I am not saying that they hold a preponderance of power, let us not be naive in…