
I hate avocadoes with a deep, all-consuming passion (they taste like inedible trash paste) and that doesn’t change the fact that DopamineFiend’s ageist reply is hot garbage. Do better, OP.

Dang Bradley, you brought the Boomers out with this one.

This is a legit take on Ford’s future plans from an investor’s point of view. I own Ford stock, and I really wonder where all those record profits over the last 8 years have gone. In the last 3 years there seems to be a real contraction of the product lineup, and the future is all “trust us” but the reality is is that

“That said, given the limited amount of lithium available, and the fact that the largest natural deposits of lithium are in location that aren’t totally hospitable to Western culture, perhaps Ford is hedging it’s bets.”

Go back to yelling about your grass grandpa.

Ford set a bunch of goals and then fucked around and didn't come close to achieving them. THAT sounds like a shitty Boomer stereotype of a millennial to me.

Ford isn’t achieving the goals it set for itself.

You think Teslas are half baked? The original Focus EV had a range of 76 miles. It also cost $39,000. 

I have personally found that many “women of a certain age” - even if they identify as progressive/liberal - in my life are reflexively hostile to literally anything that has a whiff of #MeToo to it. It’s bizarre, disappointing and sad.

Meanwhile in conservative states:

More allies and more direct, peaceful action.

Funny how terrified of ~3% of the population you idiots are.

Here’s a list of active detention centers in the United States. I was at one over the weekend. Outrage, while on some level essential, is easy. Going to these places, as it happens, is also easier than a lot of people who are distracted by outrage may realize.

 Nobody cares that you're scared of Jews and brown people. 

Countdown until the media doesn’t touch this 3..2..1... AOC completely redeemed herself with this. Those Holocuast Museums that were defaming her should apologize.

Every one should feel moral outrage at what is happening in those camps. That is the only valid response if you have even a shred of human decency and compassion. The concentration camps should not exist - and these detention centers are concentration camps. These people should at the very least be given humane

Forgot to mention her emails. Rookie mistake.

There’s that $420 number again, Elon just won’t give it a rest...

Greenhouse gases exist even if you can’t see them.

Bingo. Cheaper to buy credits than actually produce cars and trucks that hit the targets set quite a while ago.

I don’t necessarily agree that Tesla should be the beneficiary of emissions credits, but the panicked shrill Appleton is both disingenuous and bad at math.