You know that not everyone can quit their jobs to be a full time protester, right?
You know that not everyone can quit their jobs to be a full time protester, right?
That is awesome. My only complaint is that the true fascist pig will only wear SS black.
Some days I’m just not sure how to continue living life while all this is going on. It feels irresponsible to go to work, have dinner with friends, sleep in on Saturdays. Is this what it was like to live in Germany in the 30s? I give money and I give time, but I feel like an asshole for keeping up any semblance of…
I’ve decided that they can all fuck right off. A couple o weeks ago, I was really starting to worry that pouring attention and money and resources back into the Blue states was unethical, but now I’m really starting to see our current political landscape as a survival situation: survival of what it means to be an…
As a non USA voting Canadian, who would have voted left wing anyways. I remember saying:
This clip has the potential to do more damage to the Trump Administration than any other scandal.
Can we just play through this Presidency?
Can I throw up now? Why don’t we just build a time machine and go back to pre-Dickens London, where urchins begged in the streets and people worked 60 to 80 hour weeks for low wages in terrible and often dangerous conditions, so men like Trump could live in wealth and comfort, and did not have to work hard…
(1) It doesn’t. The US navy, like the rest of the US military, is designed to fight a war that will never happen: a none nuclear third world war. Our military planners are still anticipating a massive world war against Soviet/Russian/Chinese/Terrorist? forces with theaters all over the world. They’ve been ignoring the…
Yes, I always thought there was a lot of overlap between unarmed, non-violent protesters and jihadists who send suicide bombers into crowded markets.
Fuck off Roger.
“the vast majority of Fox employees were sad” about his exit, and that the outside hatred towards him is what “killed him.”
What this conversation needs is a Libertarian to come in and lecture everybody about how legislating equality from the top-down will never work while completely ignoring that it’s the only thing that ever has worked.
I smoked weed the entire month of April so I got Miley covered.
I casually knew Ivanka Trump for several years. Her target audience is almost exclusively other people who were born on third base and think they hit a triple.
Who is this woman’s audience? It certainly can’t be women who voted for her dipshit father, nor can it be women who didn’t. She’s a 15 year old mentally, who would take (woefully bad) advice from a bratty spoiled teenager?
The king of mail order brides
what kind of classless ultra douche would....
Wait, is somebody actually trying to solve a problem before it gets out of hand and the government has to get involved? Are they allowed to do that?