
Who is Jack Antonoff again? Google tells me he’s in the music industry. Probably R Kelly has a problem, based on recent history of the truth behind the endless stories of other men who were accused of things forever that turned out to be true (Weinstein et al). Do all these guys end up making women sign NDAs to be

Just like Trump, who said he’d run right into the school to save the kids, even if he didn’t have a gun. But like all those other chicken-hawk conservatives who never were in the army because they came up with a deferment excuse, they will tell us what real men would do.

It’s just sad and pathetic but predictable that there are so many people in leadership in companies that are ‘secretly racists’, except when they are with their buddies. I am sad that my dad is basically one of those kind of people. Mad about the government taking his taxes, was an executive at a big company, pretty

That’s a poor rebuttal. I loved my grandparents, even though they were not perfect. Neither am I. My grandfather, for example, thought it was okay to throw people of Japanese ancestry in jail/camps during WW2 because of the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. I said if we looked the same as Japanese people (I’m white), then

That Russel Wilson fellow is also too short to every do anything at the qb position. Why do teams keep getting these short losers?

the main villians were white skinned beautiful unbeatable elves who were basically beautiful fashion model killers, so you can’t say it held a stereotype of dark skinned are bad. i thought the orcs / maybe stand-in dark skinned people were downtrodden people who no one gave a second chance to, kind of like irish

I think conflating the horror of industrial slavery with this song is going too far. Appropriation of black culture is just not a new thing. Trump, people will die for him. Slavery in america doomed millions of people to endless torment, more than 300 years later. But this song, it will pass.

screwing around with 19 year old interns is what old white men like, just like they know not to drive a golf cart on the green.

Is there really anyone alive who thinks Melania Trump is a better person than Michelle Obama? Good god.

Is there really anyone alive who thinks Melania Trump is a better person than Michelle Obama? Good god.

I think he needs to try his conversion therapy on himself.

Yes, they are a special category in our society in about 100 ways. But you are probably kidding or trolling?

Kelly Ann is certainly a doofus, and it’s possible she does believe a tiny bit of what she says. But one thing that is so irritating is that all these cretons are in DC making policies about technology and they all do not understand anything about the modern world. They don’t know about science, they don’t know how

Come on, you are not fooling anyone. As Monty Python would say,“Bring out your dead”.

I want that to be my car alarm sound. Wait, I just invented a new way to sell music, customized car alarm mp3s! There’s hope for the music industry. Remember when they used to sell you stupid expensive custom ring tones for you phone? Now it will be car alarm jams. Also wait for the song writer to get sued for

BMW must be trying to serve its market segments & this car looks like it is designed for someone who likes the idea of an electric car, but is afraid of Tesla. If I was getting a second car after my Tesla, I’d want one with more range than 14 miles. It’s so frustrating that they won’t simply add more freaking

I think you are wrong that Jezebel didn’t cover it. I remember reading an article on here. Are you saying they didn’t cover what happened on new year’s eve in a small town in europe enough? That’s just silly, childish even. Aren’t there rowdy crowds of people and robberies and assults in NYC every new year’s? I think

okay, pushing mid forties! Ha, says someone almost to the next big age.

The son is older.