Notice the publisher- DeNA. The Nintendo mobile deal guys. I'm going to give it a try on the iPhone.
Notice the publisher- DeNA. The Nintendo mobile deal guys. I'm going to give it a try on the iPhone.
That's a bit of an ignorant standpoint to take. For a long time in my life my only real interaction with other people was through the internet, during Highschool I was unable to actually interact with other people due to bullying, and let me tell you, interacting with people on the internet is nowhere near the same as…
I feel like we hear a lot about teaching kids to be safe on the internet, but not really teach them how to behave on the internet. PSA: You don't say sexually charged things (even if you think you're doing so jokingly) to folks you just don't know, man. Just don't. It makes you the virtual-equivalent of that…
I don't know if his name actually is Chet, but that's a good name for a dickhead.
How is their best character gender notwithstanding, Kitty Pryde, not featured prominently on this cover?
I'm afraid to purchase anything at all now that the Upton-Voted seal of approval has lost its unimpeachable integrity.
The era when Kate Upton's breasts stood for integrity and a quality product is sadly gone.
Ok so I've only had like two conversations with Krem but this explains SO much. I was awkwardly thinking "Wait, he looks like a guy, but he sounds like a girl with a low voice, but he acts like a guy, but... I'm confused."
Thank you for taking the time to explain it to me. I will try to do that in the future.
I just really want a PC Call of Duty with local multiplayer and splitscreen.
That is a delightful alternative to the horrible "/s" thing.
Oh, are you a swordsman too? I wasn't aware we were all busting out our combat expertise. I prefer tanking hits, but I guess dodging might work better for some.
Before all of the insanity of the comment section saying how shitty this game was, I would like to say that I enjoyed this. It wasn't amazing in any aspect, but I had fun and that's what is important in a video game.
I'm sure the comments here are going to be perfectly well-thought out and rational.
What a sad situation. I feel about being a gamer the same way I feel about being an American, incredibly proud and equally ashamed.
#NotAllCops, amirite?
Not mine, but I'm fascinated by anyone who can do a perfect run in Trials.
Wait, what? How old are you, that you waited for the last Lord of the Rings book? Return of the King was published like... Sixty years ago?