
More like Not-so-slenderman

My feelings.

Guess not all Canadians are nice, eh?

Quote from my grandfather, years ago:

Yay, go, child, and king so hard!

Princess King does not bow to your gendered identities

It has to be porn, because how could anybody have relationships when you have this? How could you tear yourself away from it?

Just imagine his porn-watching experience!

I would have gone with Ray Rice's impersonation of Balrog's Turn Punch.

I've always been fond of the name of the 27th Roman emperor, Maximinus Thrax. He sounds like a super villain from space.


Well, it's certainly better than Ray Rice's spinning bird-kick.

Shouldn't they have gone to the vet instead? Sorry too soon?

Any chance the Secret Game is a Chrono Trigger announcement for the PS4, but just a port?

That's the joke -_-

Go around exploring and seeing neat stuff? There's also some space combat. I feel like it's almost the Minecraft of the space sim genre.