I have a friend who lives in S.Korea and he's told me once or twice a year a massive yellow cloud of pollution drifts over from China.
I have a friend who lives in S.Korea and he's told me once or twice a year a massive yellow cloud of pollution drifts over from China.
Ms. Day has had a number of guest roles in various shows in her early career but it wasn't until her show, The Guild, aired on youtube and XBL that she garnered nerd-queen celebrity status.
That looks nothing like how I picture Hood. I was assuming it was some old game character from the 80s.
It's certainly not for everyone, but I find it humorous enough to keep watching.
Huh, did not know that.
Chipotle is damn good, even if it is owned by McDonalds.
I think it looks fun. Maybe not full price fun, but when it inevitably goes on sale on Steam or whatever.
It shouldn't be, but it will continue. It's the same reason why digital books are still the same price as printed ones. It's because they CAN sell it at the same price and people STILL buy them.
I'd like it more if it was $40.
Ah, didn't know about the challenge ones. I do remember a dev saying in a interview that the burn cards are the random roll-of-the-dice factor that wanted to add to multiplayer though.
burn cards are random
I agree with you about the price ($40 would be perfect), but the maps are quite a nice size, imo.
Nah it's still buggy, but still pretty damn fun 90% of the time.
I had US Gold's Strider II on the Amiga500 back in the day.
So, don't have kids.