Similar concept, but they both play pretty different from each other.
Similar concept, but they both play pretty different from each other.
Haha, alittle, yeah.
I've never heard anybody say they didn't like it. It got rave reviews and it's considered a animated classic.
Depending on how well it's received, theres a good chance it'll be on sale come Christmas.
Ugh too many to name.
Lost it when he turned around from playing/driving the piano to shoot at the cops. Too funny.
Except he's grouped with the other RE characters.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic...
Dressing up a samurai as a.... samurai seems kinda redundant.
Proposing after only dating for 18 months? Geh.
When you get reported enough times XBL makes you change your tag next time you login.
Because humor.
Not that bad, really. Just CoH2 and Sleeping Dogs. In the mood to replay SC: Conviction before Blacklist hits at the end of August though.
It looks like it.
Isn't this a prequel though?
This..... seems like it could be pretty fun.
You kinda stop watching, tbh, when theres usually so much shit goin on. You're too busy with watching your abilities refresh timers and your hull/shields.
Purpose. Hit boxes don't matter in EVE, so there's no reason to show weapons hitting any other parts of the ship.
To be honest, you'd think mining lasers would be pretty powerful at super close range.