
I think in your case it’s just the effectiveness of marketing. I think that for a lot of people “Coke” means “bring me that delicious brown fizzy drink that rots my teeth and is likely giving me cancer cuz FUCK WATER!”.

You’re not the problem. The ones ordering a lemon-lime or orange Coke are the problem.

Here you go buddy. Go nuts

Chang. Which is okay, cause that bitch is badass.

As a Smith alum I was going to tell you to fuck off. But then I realized your comment was such shite you don’t even deserve that.

So I understand this is a post about celebrities “outing” themselves as nerds, but I still can’t believe you missed the most obvious one of all.

“The shouldn’t be discriminating as it goes against their teachings. Do they not believe that Jesus loves all?”


Can writers on this site please stop talking about corsets like they're torture devices? If you think this, you've done no research into how they actually work, and it's obvious you've never worn one. You're just being judgmental for the sake of being judgmental.

Warms my heart to see so many jez readers support eugenics. It's almost as if (white) feminists have a long history of supporting such policies.

That particular What If is great. I also love the song quote at the end.