So tired. Shit like this is exactly how we get painted as humorless feminazis. He would have preferred being told his antics were unprofessional privately? This shit should not have to be said AT ALL.
So tired. Shit like this is exactly how we get painted as humorless feminazis. He would have preferred being told his antics were unprofessional privately? This shit should not have to be said AT ALL.
Your very level headed breakdown of this was weirdly refreshing to read.
These cakes were definitely in poor taste in a professional setting, but considering that we are now dealing with the rise of actual Neo-Nazis I am no longer capable of being outraged over juvenile offences like this.
The right way to deal with this is to track this person down and hold them accountable for the consequences of their actions.
Out of sheer curiosity, why are you still watching Browns games this year?
You’re right. The media has no influence over people’s choices. People are known for their originality and refusal to follow trends. When law enforcement refers to copy cat crimes, what law enforcement is really doing is exposing their ignorance of crime and highlighting their deep desire to kill black men.
Bernie-or-bust. You sure showed everyone, didn’t you?
For the same reason that you shouldn’t necessarily respond to actual terrorism with your immediate reaction either. If your actual purpose is for their to be less of it, you can’t incentivize it by rewarding perpetrators with the exact response they’re looking for.
One day people will ask me where I was when Connor McDavid scored his first hat trick.
For us to turn it over in 2018 will require a miracle. Also a DNC that has decided to stop being a hot mess, and fight smart.
How long ago was it that you were laughing at Trump for saying the polls were rigged?
This post comes across as petty, mean-spirited, and ill-informed, IMO.
Skull and Boner
‘it’s 36 degrees hotter than usual in the North Pole. It’s been getting progressively warmer there since the end of October(ed: two weeks, for fuck’s sake. The Arctic gets weather, too.). A scientist from Rutgers University named Jennifer Francis explained the strange weather patterns to The Washington Post, saying by…
“Look, carbon was a hero because it was captured. I like carbon which hasn’t been captured,” Trump said.
I know right? A cure for her cancer is not the same as being able to reverse the fatal damage that it’s already done. And even if they could, who’s going to foot the bill? Cause you know the pro bono guinea pigs would be the perfectly preserved corpses who just ODed on some sedatives.