Ha! So on point it's not even funny. I thought I was losing my mind - that people were repeating this bizarre planted nonsense and not busting a gut from laughing.
Ha! So on point it's not even funny. I thought I was losing my mind - that people were repeating this bizarre planted nonsense and not busting a gut from laughing.
Tom Hardy's lips. My Goodness.
He looks like Emile Hirsch. So yeah, no.
Really? Because it just made me loathe Shia LeBeouf much like everyone else apparently has for a long time now. But I understand why you might feel diff....Jen.
...and yet somehow, unlike 'Brad Pitt,' I doubt you'll be referencing the latest 50 shades tool in 20 years when he's 50, and juxtaposing him as a benchmark for some hot stud in the future. You'll probably still be talking about Brad Pitt. Like most people do.
Really? Because when both these dudes were announced as the Rob Pattinson/Edward Cullen based character in the fanfic that was turned into a novel and made kerbillions, I could have sworn no one had heard of either one of them - so just what kind of "body of work," are you talking about? The phrase itself suggests a…
Let's not make this anymore offensive than it already is. I don't think they're asking them to prove they are 'Hispanic,' racially, as Hispanic isn't purportedly a race - it just means your origins are Spanish-speaking. I thought they were asking contestants to now show documentation that their ancestors were born…
Tabloids frame Aniston's personal travails and purported dreams and wishes in language their audience demo (mini-vans, cat ladies, middle-aged Friends fans who had 'The Rachel' in 1997) will squee at. Thus, Justin, as the 'Brad' substitute, is ascribed those same virtues - studly, romantic hero and savior who is…
She doesn't have to 'sell,' anything, because most of the women who watch the show, wouldn't be watching if #Olitz didn't exist.
Daisy is an amazing and strong young woman - she will do great things in her life, and be an inspiration to many people through her advocacy work.
Anonymous helps a lot of bullying victims, some not as high profile or egregious as these criminal cases, but which could still result in tragedy. I recall this one instance where there was some online and in-person incessant hateful bullying happening to this girl at her school. She was distraught and at the end of…
Thanks Humbert Humbert.
Soooo....your point is: that someone, somewhere, is always worse off than you - so stop whining and trying to prosecute your rape case?
That's not the point. Do you spend a lot of time wondering why people are buying what you think are non-essentials? You shouldn't - that would be the time sap of all time saps. If you're not into the trend, or that style - you wouldn't understand. It's as simple as that. If I actually sat down and thought about it…
I don't know if he'll have tuition debt. Do you ask the same question of white parents who buy their kids all kinds of expensive electronics and games (Playstation, Ninetendo, Xbox etc.) yet fail to save up to send the kid to college (my neighbors). Also, his parents might be millionaires for all you know...they…
Thank you. Plus, we know absolutely nothing about what kind of family this kid comes from, and his background. It could be a case, as with many American teenagers who can buy luxury items from time to time - that while they do have some little shits and giggles part time job like most of their friends do (more for…
I'm confused, the store that did this was Barney's, not Nordstrom. Is Barney's owned by Nordstrom? I don't think so.
Nope. It's the most mundane, everyday, predicatable thing in the world - teens spending money they don't have on shit they don't need. Not exactly a news bulletin. Just like it's not exactly a news bulletin to find middle income households who could well have paid for at least one year of college (maybe two), with…
...and some people think it's idiotic to pay that much for a phone when they can still get a Motorola flip for 19 dollars. But somehow I don't think you go around whining to every white parent who's bought their 13 yr old an iphone, instead of saving up for college, now do you?
Barney's is a fool for not getting out in front of this.