Surely there is a scrappy up-and-coming voice artist who can rerecord this a la the Warner trio????
Surely there is a scrappy up-and-coming voice artist who can rerecord this a la the Warner trio????
Batman Returns shattered my childhood trust in movies. I spent most of it feeling betrayed that Vicki Vale just disappeared between movies. The first movie had sold me on their love! How could I trust anything I saw after that?
Okay fair enough.
Next we will learn that Batman & Robin was delightful camp.
Meanwhile, the compulsively-watchable-at-the-time Batman Forever gets no love. I didn’t know I was bi yet but man I couldn’t stop thinking about Chase Meridian.
As a 10-year-old in the movie theater I was put off by how many people the Batmobile killed.
(I was also annoyed that I was supposed to just understand, “The cats bit extra lives into her, totally normal unexceptional alley cats,” and couldn’t really invest in the movie after that. The “it’s a children’s movie” excuse…
There are some important nouns missing here:
Why’d this stop getting reviewed??? I’m finally watching :(
Agreed, but she does say her dad is her hero, and she did right an op-ed about how isolated she feels because she believes in god, so...
This week in Will Belle Starr Start Watching Again:
She officially *should* start watching again, but every week she doesn’t and feels fine about it pushes the eventual watch further down the road. Plus she’s only an episode into Jessica Jones S2, so she’ll have that to disappoint her.
I legit thought it was going to be Denzel Washington as Roman J. Israel, Esq coming on at the end. John Mulaney was even better. I am in love with this particular artistic bromance.
There’s not much here to suggest the plot of TKAM is that different in this proposed stage version—I’m sure Atticus still represents Tom Robinson, who is still innocent and who still is convicted and killed. But people are constantly trying to “fix” the endings of Measure for Measure (the first version I saw had…
I hope you were chatting WITH the host, not chatting UP the host.
I guess the question is, why are you going? For a meal? To hang out with friends? To hang out amongst yourselves?
Meal = fine. Anyplace where they want to turn over your table to seat other people, kids are about as welcome as anyone else. If it’s the kind of place where people hang out for hours, and maybe order some…
Shakespeare is presented as written. Greek tragedy is presented as written.
I think he means, “I don’t know if these fantasy religions involve asking God for mercy/absolution before you die.” I don’t know how religious Bean is personally, but he’s classically trained, so is no doubt highly aware of the Shakespearean trope of dying in a State of Grace.
Did Ned Stark believe in a heaven, and…
This week in Belle Starr Reads The First Paragraph:
Not watching again yet. But the beginning of this review makes me suspect I will eventually watch again.
(For those of who on the edge of your seat.)
Wait, people thought he was doing something other than praying? That struck me as pretty clear.
I could see them paying him more for the first season, but the second? Whose departure for Season 2 would’ve hurt the show more, for crying out loud? Perhaps the title character???
Sorry for double-posting. I couldn’t find the first one!
“It’s just a thing someone decided to do, how can that be sexist?”