These incidents always remind me of Rebecca Solnit’s essay “A Rape a minute, a Thousand Corpses a Year.” She lists out examples of rape cases like a gruesome drum beat until you realize it’s an undeniable pattern.
These incidents always remind me of Rebecca Solnit’s essay “A Rape a minute, a Thousand Corpses a Year.” She lists out examples of rape cases like a gruesome drum beat until you realize it’s an undeniable pattern.
Again, I am always amazed there are not more female mass shooters.
Yup. A friend of mine met him because her mother was the president of his oldest fan club, back in the day. He flew their whole family out to one of the Pirates sets and gave them all generous gifts, and was very kind. Another friend of mine is related to the side of Depp’s family that he apparently never talks to,…
Not to mention, isn’t this the same guy who, by his own admission, is the actual guilty party in the sexual misconduct scandal that Gawkerverse keeps trying to pin on Louis CK?
You do realize that bruises can take time to appear. Oh right, you want people to forget that.
Someone can abuse you and tons of people will come out and support them “they were great people, they would never! It didn’t happen to me! Lies!” It means nothing.
He realizes that Amber could have said all that shit AND Johnny still could have beaten her that night too, right?
I still remember Natalie Portman telling a story about how Winona Ryder gave her a letter apologizing for having to scream at Portman during their Black Swan scene together. Ryder said that her first boyfriend had been abusive and would yell and smash things in the heat of passion, and that it had really affected her…
I respect her so much. She has some very biting things to say about purity culture in general and it is wonderful.
It seems like Johnny Depp reportedly smashing a phone in his wife’s face would deserve its own post instead of lumped in on this gossip roundup bullshit.
so now will everyone stop being so hard on amber?
I don’t blame him for not naming names. Because, inevitably, there is the faction asking about proof.
Right and no was mad that he was only with her for her youth and hotness?! Sorry not Sorry they are both equally shallow but people love to hate on the woman.
So, you’re not saying it’s Kristin Stewart, but it’s Kristin Stewart.
Yeah, I have to say that was my reading too. That complete obsession of “totally not” obsessing about it, amongst other things. Euuugh, especially at this part under that sexual abuse checklist;
Canada’s history with indigenous people, the cops unwillingness to help, and their history of ‘starlight tour’ driving makes me think a good amount of these are murders by police.
The saddest realization I ever came to was that, no matter what I accomplished in my life - who I am, what I’ve done, who loves me - if I was ever murdered, the headline would just read “hooker murdered” (or “escort”, if it was a classier paper).
I also like the “it’s gotten very quiet in here” line. Calling out the cowardice of Hollywood.