
I’m a sex worker who has the same educational background as the character in this show. Much like I can’t watch Law and Order without being highly annoyed at the inconsistencies, I will probably avoid watching The Girlfriend Experience. I am a little curious, though, to see how they depict the similarities between the

I really hate the pernicious stereotype that men just want sex without any emotional or romantic ties. Maybe this is a selective sample, but none of the men I have been with were like that. In fact, they were the ones to automatically assume that we were in relationship after sex. And the ones to fall in love first. I

Right. Which implies that the girl will catch feelings and the guy won’t.

This lady sounds sketchy as hell, but why should her past as a sex worker matter?

I wonder how something like this might connect to work being done in psychoneuroimmunology looking at the role of inflammation in the development of depression. (Which I would imagine then cycles into even worse depression because of losses due to the illness that already happened, perpetuated by the new symptoms.)

Most MDs, myself included, would agree behind closed doors that chronic lyme, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue syndrome, as they are commonly diagnosed, are all different manifestations of depression. But people don’t want to hear that they’re depressed, and people get angry when you point out this truth. As the

Yes, I somehow feel that if said fundraiser was held for The Bern, he would no longer find it obscene in the least. Gawd. It’s not like Clooney is holding a Punch An Orphan fundraiser.

Dude, I’m fucking done with Sanders. I gave him a ton of money and I wish I could ask for it back. This fundraiser was done specifically to raise money for downballot candidates—the kind of congresspeople Sanders would actually need to fuel his imaginary revolution.

Woman gets nicknamed Squinty for decades and then “fixes it,” only to have people act perplexed. Go figure.

“To some extent yes?” — Sorry, but that’s too fucking bad. I get that some people are uncomfortable with the “bi” in bisexual. Nobody has to embrace the term if they don’t want to. But nobody gets to tell me how to identify.

I’m bisexual, and that’s how I’ve identified since I’ve identified as anything. It’s a label

There are plenty of non-lesbian friends on TV. We need to have a lesbian relationship where one of them doesn’t get fridged for the plot line.


You could say the same thing about a lot of jobs, though. If you’re taking a dangerous or exhausting job because you need the money and don’t have any other prospects that aren’t worse, are you really making a choice? But in the case of mining, or agricultural labor, or lumber, we still allow the activity to take

Plenty of people work perfectly legal jobs that are degrading because they're poor, uneducated, or feeding an addiction. We only get up in arms because of the sex.

I’m disappointed in my fellow women.

And if she didn’t give birth to her daughter? Do you think celebrities are obligated to tell us how their children were brought into the world and other personal, medical stuff like that? I guess I’ve never understood why people were so up in arms about whether she carried her daughter or not, especially in this day

You’re asking that she harm her career and she may have a legal obligation to work with her label’s assigned photographer. If she refused to work with him, they could just pair him with someone with less power.

We must not talk about this issue with the same people. Almost every time I bring up sexual assault, a man tries to dismiss my concerns by mentioning that men are raped, too. And they never care about male victims, of course. It’s just a go-to rebuttal that attempts to shut women up.

I can’t believe I’m seeing people actually hating on Gaga here. Fuck you guys. She did great.

I’m 100% sure she did not get the joke.