
Ugly duckling? Forrealreal? Look at that smize.

i’m willing to bet they weren’t asleep, they just froze and played asleep. how do i know? this shit happens to a lot of little girls. ask me about my insomnia and then check in with these girls a few years from now - no zzzs or on drugs to sleep.

Yeah, they probably need to lock that thing down, because I’m having too much fun with it.

I can’t imagine what it must be like to believe that fondling little girls while they’re asleep is no big thing. They keep insinuating that it’s fine because they were asleep. This is like saying it’s better to rape a girl who is blacked out than one who is sober.

Can I just say... it’s like 2 weeks later, and I’m still shocked that it’s InTouch carrying the journalistic water here. But good for them, for real. I know it’s kind of backhanded to say it that way, but I don’t know how to give them a compliment for the truly great work they’re doing here without it sounding

He has a face that looks like the result of Gary Shandling mating with a pig.

This. A friend of mine lost her life recently and her family chose to frame it as: “she lost her battle with depression.” Because those who die by their own hand are not making a conscious, rational decision, which “committed” and “took” imply.

It sounds slightly gentler at first, but it’s a bit insidious if you really think about it. No one suffers from depression of their own free will.

Thank you, good reporting of suicide saves lives.

Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation

Chopping off her hair. What kind of fucking medieval punishment is this? That’s what they did to women who slept with Germans during the French occupation. Getting drunk or whatever doesn’t warrant this hateful treatment. This is horrid.

OK so I don’t get the obsession with him, but my friend said I would if I started watching Friday Night Lights. Can you confirm whether that is true and whether I should start watching it? I need a new show anyhoo.

I understand her need to defend him. It's her way of coping. It just makes things sadder.

If a woman wants to stop sex when she and a man are naked, but is told she cannot because the man’s brains are now null and void because of his erection and he will now do what he wants: that’s rape. No consent = rape. It’s really not a hard concept to grasp unless you’re a rapist and you want an out.

I never know whether to be upset or angry when older women espouse views like this. On the one hand she is utterly wrong in every way. On the other, I think about how often she must have been forced into sex she didn’t want (rape by our definition but not hers) and it is heartbreaking.

After being raped I had many months of “false starts.”

You can start off wanting to have sex with someone and change your mind mid-way, you know....

Dr Ruth????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This saddens me so much.

Corden is funny and self deprecating and a good guy. I like him!

What kicks me though is that “Allison Ng,” minor spelling differences aside, is my actual daughter’s name. She happens to be 50% Chinese. Imagine it sure would have been cool for her to see a positive character with HER NAME who was an actual Asian person. Instead it’s the usual “no one looks like me” crap.