Incredibly strong year for acceptance speeches!
Incredibly strong year for acceptance speeches!
"When I was 16 years old, I tried to kill myself because I felt weird and I felt different and I felt that I did not belong. And now, I'm standing here. And so, I would like this moment to be for that kid out there who feels like she's weird or she's different and she doesn't fit in anywhere. Yes, you do. I promise…
That performance with the Pettus bridge set, followed by that speech.... flawless.
I wasn't talking about people taking care of their own parents. Obviously if I were, I would not direct the "you" to shoegal, who is not a parent. I'm talking about having a younger generation to pay into services like Medicare so we can see the doctor.
Everyone should have the option to take paid time off for extraordinary life circumstances and allowances for health or family obligations, like caring for one's children, parents, or other dependents. But having children is not like a vacation, nor does anyone do it once a year. Seriously, that is one of the dumber…
Was Chris Pine crying after Common and John Legend played the theme for Selma?
Are you dumb? She means that without women who give birth, this nation no longer has new humans. As in, you wouldn't be here had your mom not shoved you out of her vagina or had you cut from her womb via c-section. But hey, make it about you and your childless path.
It is not a perk seeing as it is not happening at the moment, yes there should be more time off in America for everyone but don't act like it is not hard for people to raise children especially single mums.
I took it as an awkward but pointed dig towards all the men who wouldn't be here without women giving birth to them; women they then disrespect by paying them less and treating them like second class citizens.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure the point was "everyone who exists is here because of a woman so let's treat women better" not "you only matter if you've given birth."
Fine let's just make a running list of all the different types of women she omitted from a minute- long Oscar acceptance speech.
Honestly i do think that she referencing how America is so behind when it comes to paid maternity leave, the bit about the taxpayer makes me think that is what she is talking about. She also said citizens of this nation.
Patricia Arquette pulled a fast one on me, my concentration was fading and then, "WOMAN'S RIGHTS, BITCH"! Good on her to actually use the platform! I love Meryl Streep, she can do no wrong.
I love that Meryl and J.Lo are seated next to each other.
Hell yes, Patricia Arquette! I shamelessly loved you on "Medium" and thank you for rewarding my dedication with being fucking awesome.
Patricia Arquette just got a "You go, Girl" from Meryl freaking Streep. Cancel the ceremony. She has officially won the night. Play that clip on repeat for the next hour.