
I think The Honourable Woman was the best showcase for Maggie Gyllenhaal's talent in a long time. People bag on her so much and I don't get why, because she's really pretty great. She's even better on stage than she is on film, too. I was pleased to see her win tonight and everything she said about roles for women was

Am I the only person that loved The Honourable Woman? I really never cared for anything Maggie Gyllenhal did until this. Maybe it's the halo effect because I binge watched the series a couple of days ago. But I agree with her about all the great complicated roles for women on that show. I kind of want to watch the

That picture is adorable! She looks so happy.

I was so happy she won, even though explaining this show to my family in a way that did it justice was impossible. This picture made me flat out grin.

I LOVE HER SO MUCH AND I AM IRRATIONALLY HAPPY ABOUT THIS WIN! Seriously, I know it's on CW, but if you're not watching Jane the Virgin, you NEED to be. It is fantastic and Gina is fantastic in it. I promise you'll love it.

Wow...The negative comments on this post, is astounding to me. So, lets see. We have a first time nominee, who probably had NO expectation of winning, and people are just tearing apart a very good speech.

You're really going to compare Bill Cosby a limp lion? Considering all the support he's receiving from Hollywood and otherwise it's really not that easy of a target. But brava to Fey because she's one of the few people who have been doing it for years.

Not gonna lie, I totally teared up seeing her win. The previews for the show, combined with being on a smaller network, made me think it would be really dumb, but after seeing some positive reviews from writers I trust I watched the pilot after all. It won me over in less than five minutes. The entire cast is pretty

It is a crime that Tatiana Maslany is overlooked. I mean, she should be nominated for both best lead and supporting actress!

I'm glad she won. I never watched Jane the virgin, but anything and anyone is better than Lena Dunham. So yay.

It's a shame Cosby wasn't there to bask in the hate. Also a shame he's not dead.

I've been telling everyone to check out Jane the Virgin. It's so good!! Gina is adorable and her speech made me tear up. SO glad to see her talent get recognized. Now, I just want to GG to finally fucking recognize Tatiana Maslany.

"You have to be careful drinking around me" = "I don't give a shit. The fact that I would joke about this when I know I did this is vile. I'm a fucking monster."

Like basically he's either a serial rapist (far more likely) or a gross piece of shit who doesn't give a damn about the concept of rape and thinks it only exists as a litigious institution to "bring men down" and doesn't mind making light of the fact that he has been accused of it time and again. So he's either a

My initial reaction to reading this story was fuck Bill fucking Cosby and his fucking shitty fucking crowd work and fuck this cheering, applauding fucking crowd too. And this, I think, is a totally reasonable, and probably understated, reaction to have. Could probably use more fucks to be honest.

What's the mindset here? I mean, you would imagine a normal man, who was being accused by a whole hell of a lot of women of a crime he was innocent of (which is what he claims to be) would want to distance himself from discussing said crime in anything but the most deprecating fashion. "Rape is a serious issue. I

The crazy thing is it's not even a joke, it's just a straight up warning because it's true.

I have two overwhelming reactions.

The thing I find most hilarious about Bill Maher is that he engages with religion at the same level as the absolute worst religious people.

Bill Maher's Islamophobia is so obnoxious because he uses the same logic Fox News does, "I think it, it must be true, here are some charts proving my thoughts, and since everyone is too incredulous at the things coming out of my mouth to formulate a response, I'M RIGHT!"