Bella Bellini

I disagree. She recognized Rust as one of the men who saved her. That's why she opened up and started talking. The nurse was shocked when she spoke, presumably her first spoken words in years. But talking about it was too traumatic… triggering. All she could see was the Tall Man's face and that's why she started…

It's hard to pull yourself out of a chaotic situation when you were abandoned by your parents who have serious mental health issues. Shameless softens the harsh reality with humour and entertaining adventures. But their choices aren't surprising, quite the opposite actually.

He's not too young. It's just easy to excuse that kind of behaviour at his age because all teenagers act out. But most don't assume a false identity, steal a helicopter, and then create another identity and life to escape that messed up situation.

You can be surprisingly focused during a manic episode. That's one of the reasons why so many people go undiagnosed until their 30s.

Jeff Davis said other Banshees are trying to communicate with her. I think she just doesn't know how to use her powers yet. Hopefully the other Banshee character schools her soon.

He said there will be another Banshee this season! That made it worth watching for me. And Wolf Watch is awful.

Hey now, there's some pretty solid acting happening on The Originals and Reign. Even if it isn't your sort of thing. Arrow is also pretty fantastic right now.

Holland Roden damaged her vocal cords because of all her Banshee screaming in past seasons. They use a recorded version of her scream now, so maybe her voice will go back to normal?

And two light skinned people can produce dark skinned children. There were many examples in Apartheid era South Africa where children were classified as coloured or black even though their parents were white. We're all mixed on the genetic level :)

It's convenient semantics on the part of Woody Allen and his supporters when they were together for over a decade, had children together, and fought a tough custody battle when they separated. You don't do that with someone you're dating, a mere 'girlfriend'. Sounds like marriage to me, even if it wasn't legally.

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