Could have instituted a federal level check on gerrymandering, oversight bureau, etc.
Could have instituted a federal level check on gerrymandering, oversight bureau, etc.
Libby doesn’t understand that we don’t have the capacity to provide good, comprehensive healthcare to everyone.
So I get why Obama didn’t do a lot of the stuff I would have wanted him to when he had his supermajorities (i.e. left wing stuff), but why didn’t he pass something like gerrymandering reform? It would massively benefit the Democrats as a party, and surely even as a centrist liberal that’s a good thing for him?
Given that the whole furore exposed them to be at the whim of a capricious baby ready to shut the entire company down whenever he had a temper tantrum, they were actually far better off with the union – which negotiated a generous severance package and redundancy period – than being stuck without one whenever he…
Not just the supposed rubes. The NYT said he was “long a champion of the working class”.
I read it thinking it was definitely going to get to the twist soon, where the hacky plot and dumb writing turned out to be deliberate and there was actually something cleverer underneath: and then it turned out no, it really was the stupid, stupid book it presented itself as from the get go.
Frankly it’s disgraceful that there hasn’t been more outrage over the listing of RT/Sputnik. The Russophobia pushed by liberal Trump critics has reached such insane levels they’re willing to give his administration a pass on the very things they claim to be against: like hassling and intimidating the press.
yey you’ve found a way to make this about the primary! we never talk about that enough!
The problem on my phone is not that it autocorrects what I’ve typed, but that it renders text others typed as the A[?] bug. Tweets/messages show up normally on my laptop, but weird on my phone.
Ulysses, I switched to it from Scrivener a couple years ago and it’s really good (Mac only). Write in Markdown and export to a multitude of formats, including epub, easily. Fantastic syncing across mobile/desktop apps via iCloud.
Georgia, where the vast majority of CNN staff (and all the essential folks who keep the gears grinding for the wider machine) work is a “right to work” anti-union state, making defending against this type of move all the harder.
After donating to anti-Trump groups in the primaries. He had money to burn on both sides of an election but the minute there was a union involved he decided it was too expensive.
Fuck Joe Ricketts. Solidarity.
Democratic presidents shouldn’t be allowed to start wars that will kill millions of people either. It’s to Obama’s shame that he did not reign in the imperial war presidency Bush bequeathed to him, and instead doubled down on it.
Super Mario Run get’s a weirdly bad rap imo, I’ve sunk hours and hours into it and play it more than any other game on my phone. It’s not a full console Mario game sure, but it’s a fine effort to translate the experience to mobile.
Funny how socialism/communism must be thrown out because of Stalin/Mao but capitalism is nothing to do with Hitler/Pinochet/slavery/the British Empire, etc.
not a republic, still a long way from fixing that
Tide is shifting finally. Widespread support for re-nationalising the rail, under the Absolute Boy, Labour should be able to build support for a full re-nationalisation of the NHS too.
Lots of criticism for the Emmys, not enough for Colbert.
Except the people boosting Clinton’s book tour are the same people rehab-ing Spicer, and critics of one are largely critics of the other.