
Jackson’s on it.

She is shitting on the Black woman who risked more, did more and is making her embarrassed. There were strategic respectability politics in Rosa Parks’ selection as the face of the bus boycott.

I think we need to move a little bit forward... Let me just preface [by saying], I understand the history. I get it, trust me. I was taught, I’m in that culture.

Mine will.

Now playing

AfAms do wakes (about 2 days after death) and funerals (a week). They’re not boozy though.

It’s not that hard to be at an event for a few hours without booze!


Is your family really worth it, or do you feel that they’re better than nothing? Your name suggests a cultural component as well. Is there some other person who can handle the visit?

I’m sorry.

If you are involved in caretaking, contact social services and let them do it.

You’re a smart man. I’ll say this: if you have kids. Pull rank as dad. Don’t let her fuck with what’s yours.

A high-pitched squeal came from my lungs when I laughed at this.

I was thinking Breh-SON like Breçon? Like Luc Besson.


7 should be number 5.

I re-read this with tears in my eyes:

Being well-groomed is part of being professional. My profession pays for my bills and healthcare.

They don’t dance around it, they actively court the audience and the atmosphere. Too many people expect too much from Gawker-for-girls. I don’t think it’s satire at all. It’s just the usual “I don’t like women wearing X”.

I wish I could send you the bottom of my hemmed clothing.