
it's funny how mature the original cartoon actually was; from Ba Nee's search for her dead father, to that one girl who almost jumped off the roof after getting hooked on drugs…

Wouldn't it be better if Bobby said she'd go WITH them so she could PROTECT Richard from dying? The way she just abandons them seems like a cop-out.

she's still pretty much a blank slate :/

definitely this. we still know practically nothing about her!

agreed. their love is greater than anything romantic.

Wynn continuing to hack into almost everything is driving me crazy

that'd be amazing; Life in the Dreamhouse is superbly entertaining. I wouldn't be surprised if that's what this movie is!

…isn't being put under anesthesia a 'weakness' for anyone?

no love for Let Me In? it could've just been mentioned in the Let The Right One In spot! :D

Can't wait to see this! Elle can do no wrong.

"It's got an overarching mystery element, and lots of humor that goes over kids' heads!"

Um, the daughter is played by Oona Laurence.

when she thought Golan was actually dying… ;(

I just love that Rose is voiced by Gina from the English dub of Porco Rosso…

And after that, just go ahead and watch every other Ghibli movie while you're at it!

Obviously, but perhaps gems have a sort of power over humans.

Connie jams with Steven on the uke and violin, then sings a big duet with Pearl (that gave me major Mulan training vibes).

I feel like each episode has improved upon the last. really excited to see how this show grows!

I like the visual inventiveness. It was much better than last week's episode, I think. I actually liked the ending, just for how unexpected it was. Having the heartfelt speeches while little kids attacked in the background was hilarious.