
Boy that guy really was just out of his fucking mind!

Thank you so much was going to post on how eerie it looks because of how it is almost perfectly round and ask how that happens.

And if you were dumb enough to keep pic of yourself naked then you deserved to have it spread to the world. Jesus people when are you going to get smart enough to delete that crap or how bout not do it in the first place. Also stop using the same password over and over again for different sites. Download keepass use

GE now has a brand of CF bulbs that don't need a warm up period like some of the older style ones, I replaced all the ones in my house with them and no one even noticed untill I told them.

I saw that one and it will do a good job but from reading some of the reviews the problems with that one is there is no access to charge the ipad without taking it out the case,and it covers the front camera which I have use on a time to time basis. I want something similar to my phone case where I don't have to take

Ah but the number one problem with it only works if the ipad is in it! Let me explain; Most of the time when we drop the dam thing it is while we are using it or set it down for a min to do something else and end up knocking it off the table, counter, etc. So while this is good for transporting it around when not in

Oh come on Giz! Lets see hmmm what could it possibly mean? Maybe because Facebook is available to everyone? And maybe because its not on an invite only system right now? And lets see here ..... hmmmm 65 friends on Facebook of which 10 are online right now. Now lets check google + ....hmmm only 4 friends on Google +

If you read it in the article is says it will be for sale in November.

This one works for me pretty well, during my work day I allow myself some slack off time. I usually have it an hour after lunch. The reason while I chose that time was because I am usually in a food comma anyway from lunch and I hardly ever get anything done for that hour. I set my alarm on my phone once it goes off I

Fuck I wish I was so rich so I could waste money like that on dumb shit!

Thank you! Was thinking the same thing! Can't tell you how many friends and family's PC I had to fix becasue they deleted something that they thought was not needed. Anyone reading this that is a novice please, don't delete anything till you know what the hell you are doing.

Youtube poster fail I mean, really what the fuck is up with the sound?This is one of my favorite songs on hot sauce committee but something is wrong with this edit.

Facebook.... fucking it up more and more with every update. I honestly hope google + becomes viable competition for them and then maybe they will get their shit together. It pisses me off that every time they do an update I have to go back and redo my settings or they move shit around when it was fine where it was at.

My advice find the line with the most men standing in it, most guys are not going to be doing the whole familys monthly shopping,(at least not on their own) and only tend to pick up a few items. Also avoid shopping at the first of the month, welfare and social security checks go out so places like grocery stores tend

Hmmm Inception in 3D ..... that wonderful mind fuck of a movie? I might actually like to see that and I have pretty strong stance against 3D.

I try to avoid the 3d version of any movie, Its just over done to the point where its become just a device to milk the consumer out of more money. Ticket prices are already high here in Chicago and I sure as hell not going to support more fleecing from the studios.

So did anyone else get impatient and just jump to the point where the actual act happened? Because all that slow mo was a build up to absolute bullshit. Next time skip all the artsy bullshit and get to the point! I hate this pretentious bullshit that leads to nothing.

Only time I use the phone camera is if the quality dosn't matter and its just for a quick MMS. If its something like a family get together or something of that nature then I bring out the Canon.

I'm pretty sure they are there just hiding behind fake names and pics to avoid all the "Hur hur show me your bweebs" comments of most.

That clam shell is by far the ugliest thing I have ever seen, it looks like a woman's clutch purse or something that should contain makeup. I'm sorry but I like my tech toys to look genderless not something that looks girly.