
And you are the exact target audience that this movie was made for. People who want to see all the pretty explosions , and other effects. Hell I don't mind a mindless action flick either but when you take on something like transformers, something that was a big deal to people when they were kids and turn it into a

The thing I wonder is why anyone would think after that giant masterpiece of garbage that was transformers 2 is why anyone would think this one would be any better?

Only thing is most proxy's can block FB all together so this website is kind of pointless unless it some how acts a portal? Maybe? I don't know network admin at work usually deals with those types of things I'm just the lowly tech.

Oh yeah I defiantly have theme ADD I switch it up all the time this one is just my current home screen In a day or so I will change it up again. I usually do more custom ones but I liked this premade one so I went with it. The biggest problem I have is fitting themes to my screen I currently have an optimus and not

Ah ok I would go here

are you stuck in a boot loop?

I like mine more buuf style.

Simple and beautiful in design is what I like about it the most. I wonder how he keeps proper ventilation in the home when its shut down like that. It would more then likely would have to be on the roof but then it becomes a weak point in the security. I checked the page and it only has a simple floor plan. I want the

Looks interesting but the hard part would be getting friends to jump ship from Facebook which I feel isn't going to happen. But if this spreads like wildfire I'm sure it won't belong before Facebook is the new Myspace.

At least its not the ....Dun dun duuuun... DUCK FACE! I actually think she would look a lot better if she didn't have all the clown make up on.

Believe it or not I like the Blackberry version better then all the ones I have used. The thing I hate on the android one is the lack of being able to sort the news feed like you can on their web page. I want to be able to sort from most recent and top news not just one big wall that buries post sometimes. On the BB

Well if the app is anything like the android version for Facebook trust me iPad users your not missing much.

High unemployment be dammed! I just flat out quit, I told her that since he knew my job so much better then I did that she could have the joy of doing it herself. Not only was she was micro boss she was a flip flopper, you know the kind one day they want you to do it this way and then next day they ask you "Why did

Looks like all that got of mine was a user name that I used for some forums which i don't visit anymore and to access some BF heros which had no CC tied to. So enjoy who ever has this data dump all your going to get is something you could have got yourself for free and a username.

Yes because I care so much about a heart on Gizmodo!

Actually they have the optimus V which is a 2.2 android phone. Good entry level android and once you root and flash a custom ROM to remove the bloatware its a good phone. As far as the triumph goes its being priced at $299 on best buys website not sure if it will have a locked bootloader or not but being a Motorola it

Translation- We are going to tuck tail and run now before someone else gets caught because other then our hacking skills we are real life cowards.

I use juice defender myself there is a free version in the market. I went for the ultimate version which lets you tailor which apps you want to have data accesses and which ones you want to block. This app and a custom ROM and kernel I was at 16hr and still at 58% of my battery.

Which phone do you have I know a few tricks that might help even with the hungriest of smartphones.

Good post I did something similar a few years back and I agree, no cleaner in the world is going to be better then someone else pee that is clean. Only drug test you aren't going to beat is a hair test. In the casino I work in its the only test they do because they know that the pee test can be cheated. So if they