
The biggest problem is the input lag, In some games its not bad but in other like some of the FPS games you can see it big time. I tried to play Dawn of War 2 on there but the mouse input lag drove me crazy.

I'm not sure if its even possible to make a full anti ghosting keyboard because I believe it has to do with the signal path inside the keyboard. The only way I can see around this would be that they would have to put a diode under each key to prevent it. Which I would think would drive the price up more then $200.00.

Never noticed that before dam your right!

Wow color me impressed at what the possibilities could be with this new system. Im not going to get too happy till I actually see a new Zelda and not just a tech demo. Because a lot of times that is all that is ever done, a fancy demo and we never get anything near what we saw. Well here is to waiting to see that new

oh yes I can see the whine threads now "Arrow Head please nerf x,y,x,y,z combo it ruining the PvP!!!!1111 QQ. It will be like reading the WoW forums all over again.

I have no problem with someone being smarter then me, hell I enjoy hanging around them because I learn new things that way. The big problem is what they are doing with this given talent. All these attacks are things something attention whores do. There not attacking some corporation that is screwing people over,this

nope that was the first thought in my mind was that there are no bullet bills

I dislike the auto-gratuities, I base my tip on the service I recieve. If I feel they did a good job I give them a good tip. To me the auto-tip is often something abused by shitty wait staff, I don't like to just automatically reward poor service.

My fave part of playing decent multi was that fact that you could attack from any angle, which often resulted in a "Where the fuck is this guy shooting me from" remark.

LOL thank you for that visual.

And mind you on top of the fee you already pay to play on xbox live!

Sounds like a bunch of bullshit just to get folks to pony up the money every month for garbage not worth it. So instead of a one time purchase for your DLC and maps now you get the privilege to pay for it over and over again every month. And I'm pretty sure if you don't pay for the month you won't get to use all the

first HTC remvoing the locked bootloaders and now capcom removing DRM? What a great summer so far.

awe how could you be scared of Fay, Fay?

I honestly thought she was one of those expensive statues of anime you see posted on here sometimes, that is an awesome pic I give it +1000 for being cowboy Bebop

I think we all felt that way before we started in our career's I loved computers and tech so much I went to school for I.T. and here I am a few years later wishing it is more like when I was at home where working on them is fun and not a chore. I even gone as far as to pick up a part time job at a casino just to break

You were very lucky they caught the guys, this person was a victim of a home break in where odds are no one even saw the guy break in to do it.

I don't know a single police department that has ever done anything to get stolen property back, They just don't have the resources to track down everything that is stolen. If they happen to come across it from a raid or arrest then you get your stuff back eventually. Other then that most you can expect is for them to

the info on the tablets was taken straight from the amazon store page, they say it will run on tablets just not look as nice as it should. by not being optimized Im not sure on what they referred too I assuming because it is ment for a smaller screen so on a tablet it might looked kind of washed out.

SO wait, you can still get your multiplayer on the free but if you want the extra maps you have to subscribe? Or do you have to buy the maps and also subscribe? Because if you have to do both that's kind a shitty move if you ask me.