
Yeah that is true, makes me glad I don't have a daughter because I think I would have ulcers by the time she was that age. I worry enough about my son I can only imagine what the parents of a teen daughter go through.

When are these kids going to learn that if you send naked pictures of yourself to even just one person its going to end up going to everyone. Im sure they have heard of this happening before to other people why do they even think its a good idea to begin with?

I wish android had a better way to sort through its game apps becasue half the time all I see is angry bird clones, some version of a tap the screen to make the guy jump game, and tower defense games. Its rare I see one on kotaku that is for the android like they have for the iphone. Are there just no good games for

Not all Pc gamers are douche bags, and many of us also own and play console games. I myself own a xbox 360. I don't give a shit if PC did it first or not I just want to play games and have fun. I only buy the PC version on some games like fps's because I hate the console controls for those games. Guess Im not hard

already prepared I got a zomebie killing car in the garage enough ammo to start a war and ......yuck plenty of MRE's in the pantry.

Oh they do it just doesn't make front page news. Only the retards like that one religious group who protest at dead soldiers funerals seem to grab headlines.

Im not real up to par on my bible but if I remember right dose it not say that only God knows the date and time of rapture and it will come like a theif in the night? So if thats the case this nut job is going to be eating a lot of crow come the 22nd. But then again it says it "begins" that day and not that it is the

Oh so thats what happens when God farts while standing in a lake.

For once I am in total agreement with Jesus (most days its some points but not all.) Facebook needs to fix what they have before adding more things to the site, that and they need to stop changing things around every other month it seems.

But the thing is you guys are not complaining about it. You knew when you brought the car it sucked down gas as fast as you put it in. I have a few co workers who brought these monster suv's and then bitch and whine about having to gas the thing up. And mind you we are talking about two people who are not married,

I still find it crazy that some people still fly around 100mph on the express way in their gas guzzling monster and want to complain about feeding the beast. Unless you have need of a big car like that because of your family size or job then why even buy that big suv/truck in the first place?

I'd have a self of kick ass custom made toys is what I would have and then I would sell them at the some of the local cons and other events.

only thing that makes it better is that the weather is warmer and its not as depressing as it is here in Chicago. Summers here are just brutal hot and winters is just a level of cold I can't even describe. I guess I need a change of scenery is what Im saying maybe I need a vacation.

You know what I agree with you. I have had cats growing up and like them but this particualar one I don't like. Only reason he is still around because of my son who is attached to him other then that he would have been gone a long time ago.

ah I see thank you for that important piece of info. They really need to start getting all the info right before they freak everyone out they are making the blog real tabloid like doing this.

Be careful and read everything first! Take your time this isn't something you want to rush through. And for the love of all things please do a back up once your rooted before you flash anything. And word to the wise don't do a factory reset on your phone once your rooted some people have bricked the phone doing this.

first question I need to ask is she rooted? Next one is dose she have juice defender? Not the free one either the actually paid for one(I brought the ultimate version and it works great!) It also would help if I knew which phone she has.

there is the 2.3.4 build its in the nightly builds not sure how stable it will be. I would say go to the fourm for your device do a back up and then try the nightly build and see how well it works for you.

Im going to have to check real quick on the forums and see if maybe he uploaded a new build recently

Every one of those little tabs would be chewed to death by my cat in less then a week.... little fucker.