
To be fair, anyone who has hired out 40 rooms at Trump International with a follow up at BLT Prime in one year, probably has a pretty clear professional understanding of who is and isn’t a bitch cocksucker.

They don’t just want to throw us under the bus.

As the resident of a blue corner of a deeply red Southern state, I’m gonna speak up for my expatriate homie, TSVD.

It’s about sustainable work/life balance:

From your reference:

No. Functionally, you can tune the intake runners in order to maximize air charging, and most bikes are fuel injected anyway. The power output of motorcycle engines exceeds the capacity of the chassis, with even the slightest modifications, so forced induction is redundant.

..profanity laws are bullshit...

Interesting choice. Just dismiss the most popular response to your article.

We’ve been here since the Paleolithic. It’s just that we keep speaking up, when the cavemen would rather that we sit down and shut up.

“..The problem with the question of ‘what do men want?’ is that they usually just tell you, rather inelegantly...”

Welp, it wasn’t until 1974 that that law was changed in Tennessee, despite Loving v. Virginia in 1967. I was personally informed of this fact in the early 1970's, by an overly curious white police officer, who was very insistent in his enquiries as to where I had just been.

When I was a kid, I never knew what concertina wire was. If you had asked me, I probably would have told you that it was the stuff in pianos.

Except an old school HiLux.  They beat everything.

That may be true and all, but there is nothing that beats goats in pajamas.

It is a characteristic of the electric fanboi to pretend not to understand, and then reply with some tangential factoid which doesn’t really have bearing on the original question.

I don’t see how any of your logic fits together in any way.

Were the trucks of that era also called Hi Lux? I don’t recognize this front end and panel lines, but the Toyota emblem is clearly visible.

Well according to all the InterWeb experts, we aren’t need no HiLux’s, because duh, everthing must be electric cars now!