
Kind of like this image that I had in one of my Time-Life books in the 70s

In London, when you are sitting at a red light, it starts to blink for a few seconds before it goes green. This is a nice way to get everyone ready to go at the same time.

How weird is it that I noticed that too? It was the one thing that stuck out to me. Weird.

Loved it. Also she has way more fun than I do. Makes me wish I was young again.

That guy looks nothing at all like Matt Bomer.

Agreed. It is WAY too small.

I have never seen one of those in my life. Can't say I care for it either. I guess it's all about what you're used to.

Hey, do they still make Mr. Pibb?

That's going on your permanent record.

MHL compatible of course

That's actually a great idea... maybe sliding speaker panels.

I know, right? It's to the point I can't hardly stand to leave the house anymore. I used to try to adjust the picture or explain it to the clueless bartender, but it's just too widespread and I finally gave up. It's annoying as hell though.

lmao, hearted!

Excellent observations. You have the internet figured out. I wish you could make the rest of the world understand that. But it's true, people can't resist giving thier opinion (look at me, I'm doing it now), and when the business model of an internet site is based on pageviews, then you'd be a fool not to use the best

You are absolutely correct. I only eat out on very rare or special occasions. I do more drinking than eating when I am away from home. Occasionally I find a local restaurant or bar that serves something that I consider healthy that doesn't taste like crap, but it's the exception, not the rule.

I'm the same way, half the stuff on my disk queue winds up available for streaming before I ever get them shipped to me lol

I wonder why #13 was repeated at #26? Huge fruit obsession I guess...

I saw a movie called Black Hole, but it was like one of those bad SyFy Channel movies. Plus it was filmed in St. Louis using the McDonnel Planetarium as a supposedly futuristic scientific lab facility lol. It was Rifftrax worthy.

Image fail :(

Del Monte disagrees.