
Dude, what in the flying fuck are you talking about? So the governor requires us to wear a mask and he’s somehow a dictator? Let’s analyze what you just said. So last time I looked every single state in the union requires that you wear a seat belt. They also require you to drive at a set speed limit. You are also

i doubt only a few people know. The consoles have to be in production at this point if they are launching this year. all the distributors and storefronts know at this point. also its “closely guarded secret” not regarded. regarding means to consider or think of (someone or something) in a specified way.

I’m pretty sure that game developers also need to know when the consoles come out to know what their deadline for the launch titles is going to be. 

You know, it’s really noisy back there.  Can’t hear shit from a drum riser.

Keep it going. Don’t let the momentum die out. Now is the time to come forward to say something even if you don’t have much to say except that you want to show solidarity. That matters. That adds to the volume. The threat of extra judicial execution is one many fear. Nobody should have to go through that. We have

and that’s okay! There’s an implicit ‘if Black people are around you’ attached to the statement. Consider also: the internet— with the caveat that I don’t want you to go out and try to collect Black friends like Pokemon.

I’m not sure you realize exactly what that would entail.

It’s just common sense.  This demo was a commercial to get developers to use Unreal 5.  They wouldn’t make this statement outright if it was false, because they’d be proving themselves to be selling a false promise, and that’s an easy way to lose your customers (which, again, is not us; it’s next-gen developers).

I’ve noticed this particular trend on the internet that people tend to act like they know everything about programming, computer game development, graphics, loading of assets etc when they have 0 knowledge of how a computer actually works or how memory management and these 3d graphics rendering works.

I was not aware that Nintendo owns Facebook... I guess you learn something new every day! 🤔

Tell that to people trying to play the Scott Pilgrim vs the World game. Digital only release, contracts expired, game got delisted and it’s impossible to download and play now. People were selling Xbox 360s with the game installed for $500+ and even those are impossible to find now.

My students do this on Zoom and it fails them constantly. I’ll call on them and they’re not at their computer. I’ll tell them to go into breakout rooms, and one of them won’t join because they’re on a loop. I’ll end class early so they can start their homework and one of them “stays” in the classroom because they’re

This is my first real playthrough of either FF7 game and at first Barret’s always 110% personality was off-putting, but now that I’m on chapter 8 it’s pretty endearing and I’ve legit laughed at some of his banter. Dude just REALLY WANTS to save the planet and protect his kid, and you gotta respect that. 

Cloud: “Okay fine, I’ll stop closing doors.”

Someone doesn’t remember what PS2 games looked like.  

Write this article but from the perspective of how when playing as the British Empire and Commonwealth forces you’re nearly always in an entirely White army despite the Empire being predominantly made up of Asian and African peoples or how no campaign ending ever has “and by jove, who cares if Bengal starved and

Are they seriously asking their on-the-ground employees to confront law enforcement and defy a lockdown order?

My husband is a total bbq sauce geek and makes some really good shit (he even ages his own vinegar for it) but man, sometimes you just can’t compete with Ray’s. (The sweet onion flavor is my fave.) It has a pleasing viscousness that’s quite difficult to replicate at home. I also really loved it during the couple of

My husband is a total bbq sauce geek and makes some really good shit (he even ages his own vinegar for it) but man,

Paul Logan says hi

I gotta go with Sweet Baby Ray’s. I’m partial to the Hickory & Brown Sugar version myself, but other flavors are pretty good too. Great for chicken, burgers, ribs, brisket, baked potatoes with bacon & cheese, even meatloaf if you make it right. Most grocery stores I’ve been to out west carry it, but if you can’t find

I gotta go with Sweet Baby Ray’s. I’m partial to the Hickory & Brown Sugar version myself, but other flavors are