
There should definitely be a ton of compensation — I’m not sure Michigan has any laws requiring compensation, though. I think there was an attempt to make it law that the state would pay $50,000 for each year spent wrongfully behind bars (which would make $2,050,000 in this case) but I don’t know if this was ever

Is there an uncanny valley for plants? Because those plants are starting to look *just* good enough that I’m starting to be weirded out by tiny flaws of realism that I otherwise would not have noticed.

Erm. Totally with you as far as gender roles go — I wish gender as a concept would just go away and be found exclusively in social history books. Not so much with you when it comes to that bit about race and privilege, if I understood it correctly. A FtM trans person is not gonna be gaining a lot of privilege, given

To echo a comment I saw on another Jezbel article today, maybe at least Musk can give us a cool dystopia, with spaceships and robot cars and stuff, instead of the crappy, boring dystopia we live in today? Musk for Supreme Space Emperor! Hurrah!

“Donald Trump Will Probably Pull Out”

This is very sad. A serious question: Isn’t there a backup parachute that’s supposed to open if the primary chute fails?

Well, my personal, individual feeling is that gender isn’t a huge deal, or rather shouldn’t be. For me it isn’t, and I get very uncomfortable when people express expectations about me based on my biological sex because often they don’t fit who I am. However, I am also aware that other people find gender to be very

I get the argument but I think it’s based in a bit of a false dichotomy. I.e. One of the two possibilities is that being non-binary is “real”, but then also everyone kind of has a fixed position on the spectrum, everyone already knows what their fixed position “really” is, and anyone who says they fit into one

I get the argument but I think it’s based in a bit of a false dichotomy. I.e. One of the two possibilities is that being non-binary is “real”, but then also everyone kind of has a fixed position on the spectrum, everyone already knows what their fixed position “really” is, and anyone who says they fit into one

So what? Isn’t getting people to see that sexuality is a spectrum and that they don’t have to fit into a binary, a good thing? Isn’t it a good thing to let people experiment? Obviously I’m not talking about this case, but rather the broader statement you’re making. On the one hand it makes sense that it can be

Is a bear that falls in the woods Catholic? I don’t know, dude. You make some deep, meaningful points and I have a lot of thinking to do now.

This... doesn’t really add anything. Sometimes we think something is obvious “water is wet” - level common sense, and it still turns out to be wrong. Especially when it comes to long-standing cultural assumptions about sex and such.

God forbid we ask questions. Never mind that for a long time common sense told us that women just don’t like sex very much, and there’s no point in asking questions about it — and then we come up with empirical evidence that actually, they do, and common sense was quite wrong, and it’s a good thing we asked questions.

Feels like in a few decades people will be writing retro mysteries with this train for a setting.

I know this is several years late, but a lot of what you write resonates so much with me that I felt a need to reply. I don’t have any solutions or advice. I’m not quite bad enough right now to be suicidal. I was for a while — ironically while I *was* employed, because I just hated my job so much — now I have been

My thought is that people are finding things in video games that reality doesn’t give them, or that they see no way of finding in reality. We grow up expecting life to be an adventure, we want to do exciting things, creative things, joyful things. Some of us want to change the world. Then we become adults and find out

Alternative suggestion: If we want more people to be employed when they have another option available, perhaps employment needs to be made more attractive. Or don’t we believe in the free market? If the price offered is too low, you don’t sell the product.

You probably didn’t carry this commenter for nine months, though, so why are you getting so high and mighty and judgey with them?

... Because they are being treated badly in an unfair way? Isn’t that usually a good reason to care? I mean, I don’t understand why you’re bragging about being apathetic or uncaring about other people. It’s unfortunately probably true that on average lots of people don’t care about the well-being of other human beings