beep beep i'm a jeep

I wouldn’t be a princess either, most likely, but that doesn’t mean that the non-princess “Arab” woman can’t have a life of meaning, value, and happiness. This is part of the problem, people view women in the Muslim world as victims only, nothing else.

Holy crap is she gorgeous. And those looks are on point.

It’s actually really facinating to read about how fashioni/style is even more important in societies where women spend most of their time with each other. I’d love to see a longform peice exploring this.

I’m always disappointed when I hear the name “Kylie” cuz I think of Minogue and it’s almost always Jenner related. alas!

I have to admit that Kylie Jenner is the first person I think of when I hear “Kylie.”

Yeah, I’m confused about all the people hating on this. Seems like exactly what we would want juvenile courts to be doing. It was a non violent crime driven by attitudes that can potentially be changed with some education and knowledge - lots of teens are dumb, and getting insight into what the swastika really stood

Before he left, Biden removed the outlet in the Cabinet room, patched, and painted over the hole.

I love this thought. Everyone’s Uncle Joe, quietly walking around (‘cause he knows Barack won’t approve), unscrewing light bulbs, maybe opening a few light switch fixtures and pulling a wire here or there. Or maybe... Maybe that’s why he got the Medal of Freedom.

We’ll know when he fires Spicer whether this sketch worked as intended.

it was one of those moments where people who were gamers were there with her, but you could tell that half the room wondered what was with her restless leg issue. i give here credit for keeping going with it after it was clear it was flying past most of the room’s heads.

That would also be acceptable.

He didn’t make it terribly clear, but I believe these shirts are formaldehyde free. From the site: “Until now, formaldehyde has been the active ingredient in Non-Iron shirts. That’s bad. How bad you ask? Well, this toxic chemical is used to embalm mummies, among other things. That’s eww. We have engineered the first

He didn’t make it terribly clear, but I believe these shirts are formaldehyde free. From the site: “Until now,

My boyfriend didn’t earn his last name through some great manly feat—his name came from his father. But everybody conveniently forgets that when talking about married names. Why is his name his name but my name is my father’s name?

For filling, think of it like making sausage. For my pork ones I take pork butt (you may add more fat if you want, but I usually don’t) grind it up (make sure it is a coarse grind), then finely chop the vegetables you want. I do shiitake, baby bok choy (be sure to salt whatever cabbage/brassica you are using and allow

You lost me at being at the gate 25 minutes before boarding/departure. Isn’t the general rule to be there an hour before? Thought that’s in the US. International might be diff.

On your other notes, I totally agree that unbundling is a travesty. There is a market to present one price and you get all this stuff. It’s a

I really enjoyed the Pokken tournament last year, would like to see it back, hopefully with the new characters.

That’s called “discovery”. They asked for all communications Kesha made to anyone in the industry about Dr. Luke, and they got it. It’s a normal part of civil litigation. I’m just surprised she didn’t say more things to more people. Your telephone and text messages remain evidence forever.

The new Tiles are small enough to hang on a decent-sized cat. I can’t recommend this strongly enough. As the article mentions, a house cat typically doesn’t run far, so Bluetooth range is all you probably need to locate him.

Agreed - it’s stupid on their part. Someone, somewhere along the line, dug in - and is making the whole company look like asses.

Yeah, I have the same problem. I’ve considered eshakti jeans too, but I also suffer from thigh rub which means spending money on any pants is a waste because no matter how good of quality they are, they aren’t going to last too long with that friction. I scored on some linen pants from LL Bean and was super sad that

Not sure how providing easy support for moving files across multiple hard drives is “catering to the console kids.” I always considered that level of customization and configuration to be more a PC thing. If anything, support for extra storage on consoles is catering to PC users, i.e. a departure from non-removable