beep beep i'm a jeep

Lack of a footprint in the regional identity (which is quite a shame). In Hawaii, it’s more or less impossible to opt out of Hawaii-specific curriculum in the public school system (as in: indigenous, pre-colony culture), so all colors of kids get some amount of Hawaiian language exposure, and some schools are able to

I don’t agree that it’s a ding against democracy to call for an audit. Democracy isn’t a religion-- To borrow a Buddhist saying, you should test it like a piece of gold. 

It’s going to be really weird to cheer for Clarence, if it comes to that, but I will.

It must’ve been very difficult to have that affect on people— That said, the best way to disrespect them is to look the part but be the exact opposite. See also: Barrowman in The Producers. It’s a lot more meta, but nothing’s more pleasing than seeing him in a bad dye job, in maximum mockery of nazi regalia.

Did we forget they’re both franchises on the same console? The console owned by Ninty? They’re very obviously symbiotic, since both push handhelds and build hype.

Yeah. The whole “getting dosed with hormones constantly” thing is not a negative for everyone, not everyone’s hormones worked right to begin with. I can be functional all month if I stay on my prescription, or I can be “me” about half the month. For others, it’s reverse, or neither.


Yo, leave Satan out of this, at least Satanists will fight for your right to not live under theocracy.

Yo, I know what you’re saying, but the Hellfire Club has a mandated 1:1 gender ratio for its executives. Name me one guy from there besides Shaw, meanwhile you got Selene and Emma minimum.

I try to contain myself with the reminder that Omaha was really close (and sometimes makes good choices for itself, as opposed to never), way closer than the state collectively. And unlike the folks who won’t go east of 120th for fear of death, I’m staying put as long as there’s that one electoral vote.

I’m always finding that I’ve learned new things, weekly, from Rachel’s history segments. Lawrence will pull back and do that sometimes, too. Maybe because I grew up in the greatest age of children’s PBS broadcasting, but I like me some informative narrative framework.

...They picked the better photo for the article.

Bubble Bobble does actually have depth, as well. Maybe only for an NES game, but it’s got content, and the content is reasonably varied. It’s rage-enducing, sure. But so is Ninja Gaiden, and Ninja Gaiden is glorious.

I would be perfectly fine with them spending two to four years of the administration failing to overturn federal laws, instead of overturning executive orders.

I’m afraid that everyone else is going to suffer more, and the frog in the other pot won’t notice its own predicament. Because that’s happened.

Still not a federally-protected class. STILL not a federally-protected class. Marriage doesn’t mean anything for an eleven year-old who “can’t” be targeted by hate speech, or the person who gets fired for getting married.

There are a lot of people who will probably get out of this unscathed, and even more who’ll think they’re getting away free when they’re not. Cycle repeats.

Ryan was livable four years ago, and he still is. If I had to pick, I’d pick him.

I don’t favor the word, concept, or feeling of escape, because that’s not how I cope and it doesn’t make me feel better, but I always enjoy being able to buckle down and clear a map of Dynasty Warriors and the like. WO3U has a very nice unlimited wave mode that lets you throw a team of five against stupid snake people.