Without the proper context, it is impossible to understand the mushroom cloud of uprisings that are exploding across…
Without the proper context, it is impossible to understand the mushroom cloud of uprisings that are exploding across…
Wanda Sykes to Scott Baio:
MLK once said: “A riot is the language of the unheard.”
It is unfortunately true, however. From a tactical standpoint (i assume protesters are being rational) the question has to be what works best? Total non violence of the Gandhi method or will actual damage to property make society reject this type of policing so it does not happen again. I represented a 21 year old who…
Biden is the choice for people who are socially liberal but financially conservative. They’re more likely to have accumulated wealth and have the same views towards people with less money and education that Republican conservatives do. They just don’t want to feel bad about it.
And a not-insignificant portion of the country now believes that basically saying “nu-uh” to rules, laws, codes of conduct, norms, etc., is just fine and dandy.
Oh it was not the best we could do. It was the easiest we could do.
Dear Conspiracy Theorists:
The hate I have for this vile piece of shit and his supporters equals the power of a million suns.
This ladies and gentlemen is the culmination of The Southern strategy. There is no need to rehash what that strategy is for if you have been paying attention to politics for the last 50 years The GOP has mastered the war on “the other.” From “welfare queens” to Willie Horton to Mexican Caravans to “the liberal media”…
Ok. This is going to ruffle some feathers, but I want to take this opportunity to educate as carefully as I can. While someone saying that the virus is because of Chinese culture is obviously racist, they’re also not (completely) inaccurate. I would never use the term myself, because it implies a lack of knowledge of…
It’s not mean-spirited or bigoted. It’s poking fun at white people. But you aren’t used to being made fun of and that’s why you’re here lashing out. This article does absolutely nothing to harm you or any other white person. You will not be sent to jail, given a harsher sentence, be discriminated against, shot by…
The idea that someone who WALKED over 1700 miles, through jungles, deserts, and avoiding bandits, is going to see an 10 foot wall and say to themselves “well that’s it I’m turning around and walking home” is just silly.
You “The Big Joker is the Guarantee Joker” nyuckas is wrong, wrong wrong. The Big Joker is the BIG. JOKER.