Please don’t be white, please don’t be white.
Please don’t be white, please don’t be white.
Is it possible that Asian women, historically, haven’t been treated very well by Asian men? How do you challenge misogyny in your social circles? Do you demonstrate an egalitarian approach to relationships? Are you comfortable dating outside of your racial group? You’re not getting any younger. It’s important to…
Ethan Slater blew up his personal life for a fling. Ariana does not have clean hands here but he chose to treat his now estranged wife poorly.
That wasn’t Jamie Foxx. He was obviously replaced by a doppelganger to cover up that the original Jamie died from the vaccine.
a wonderful piece of news to start my day!
I think we all need to admit that Harry and Meghan are just boring. They seem nice enough, but at no point do they seem at all compelling enough to be stars. And I like them. I love their story. We just need to stop expecting more. They’re pretty and bland. And rich. Let’s just check in with them every 3 or 4 years…
Federline is just backtracking because he did not get the response he hoped for from the original article. Also Amy Winehouse did not die from meth use, they could at least google if they are trying to make comparisons. And if Federline or Jamie Spears had actual proof of Britney using meth or anything else for that…
My mother loves me to death. She would also never, EVER help me cover up a murder I committed.
The whole “burn after reading” part makes the excuse that it was a light hearted letter expressing her love for her son pretty implausible. You would only add that if you knew it could come back to bite you, and none of the possibilities of that look pretty bad.
She’s a hero
Is there a gofundme for this doctor's legal fees? The woman is doing the lord's work.
“I’m really sorry for all the negative attention this has caused, so I’d like to go ahead and put it back in the news.”
I still don’t understand the Matthew Perry reference to Keanu Reeves, especially when the latter was and is so much more successful than the former? Even if Perry’s awareness permanently froze* in 1994 when he became a household name (like the average celebrity’s awareness does), Reeves was still very famous and had a…
I like that someone on Perry’s team is going through the motions, hoping they’ll be another printing.
Do people really expect her to willingly torpedo her hit show over some comments this guy made back in I think 2014 and which so far haven’t even been proven to be true?
So simple, and so eloquent.
he’s standing up. how could he be sleeping. do they think he’s a horse?
I didn’t know anything about her and I always found her a little annoying even though I liked her in Friday Night Lights but now I kind of want to read her book.
Just waiting for everyone to twist “Mother stays with her child to celebrate his birthday rather than going to racist father in law who hates her’s fancy party” into some monumental faux pas on her part.