Maybe there is a pending lawsuit and the TryGuys brand is distancing and doing as much damage control as possible? But agreed who gives a fuck. Never even heard of them before this “news” came out.
Maybe there is a pending lawsuit and the TryGuys brand is distancing and doing as much damage control as possible? But agreed who gives a fuck. Never even heard of them before this “news” came out.
She is defending her financial freedom. She sold the precious winery to a 3rd party because BP tried to silence her in the contract he offered her to buy her shares. Good for her for airing everything. Of course, his PR team is already working hard to continue the shrew narrative they have designed for her. Just as…
Boy’s Club= FBI AND BP kissing in a tree.
I would love to see less of Kanye on Jezebel. Everything he says or does is for attention for himself. I genuinely believe that Kanye cares only about himself- white, black, civil rights- all these things are tools to get attention. He is despicable.
Cults are not exclusively American.
Sarcasm, right?
Agreed motherhood probably influenced her taking the gig. However, her fashion line/partnerships are still making major bank.
Another reason never to go to Arizona and to make sure none of money ever goes toward that state and its ignorant people if I can at all control it.
I suspect the Gap terminated their contract with Kanye and let him put out the press release like it was his idea.
And Diana didn’t want him in her bed! hahahahaha
I’m desperately hoping for a real life Game of Thrones where all of them fight to the death. Harry and Meghan win, take all the money and disband the bullshit monarchy forever.
I have now. Wow.
I always wonder if tours getting canceled for mental health and exhaustion = poor ticket sales. Wish Bieber a speedy recovery.
Kanye is a fame whore too. I think his career would have imploded long ago if it weren’t for the Kardashian connection. He is not a victim. He’s a malicious, misogynist asshole who is trying to shame and punish Kim for not obeying him. Fuck him!
While I hate that it is a black/white thing. I agree with you. The things Klownye said about Amber Rose were messed up.
Yep- outrage over nothing is in Vogue at Jezebel. Tired of their bullshit.
You seem cool, but I hate your state too.
HMMM Famous dude gets away with it again.