
Did she sign some sort of ironclad prenuptial agreement that says she gets less than nothing if they get divorced, no matter the circumstances? Why would she stay through all this? Did she help him get the drugs? Better those girls than her? What is she afraid of? Is she just as much of a monster as he is?

it’s disheartening. this kind of “spousal dedication” and unwillingness to come to terms with what is actually fucking happening, is just so sad to me.

Trying to save face makes you say really stupid things, Camille.

I guess in her mind it might be better than her husband being a rapist, but it’s getting harder and harder to understand why Camille has stayed with him so long.

“Women consented to drugs and sex”

Why should they do that? If you have a company that lives or dies by how dedicated their employees are to learning and managing computers, would you hire from the pool of candidates that have been eating, breathing and living computers since they were a zygote or you are going to grab any random person off the street

Because there’s no diversity within the category “Asian”? You tell me what experiences a Laotian and Sri Lankan have in common.


.56%, is that 3/5 of 1 percent?

Pfft. If Dodai’s position as editor of this hipster version of Cosmo is your idea of a leadership position...

Yeah, it’s hard to hire more minorities if there aren’t many qualified applicants to begin with, and no one really wants to be brought on as the diversity hire.

There’s not much tech companies can do to solve the problem, at least not right now, in their hiring process. We need more diversity in B.Eng and comp sci undergrad and graduate programs, which means more diversity in AP math and science courses, which means better outcomes in elementary schools for schools that are

45% of the company is non-white. It’s just not the right kind of non-white.

Sounds like these black people just need to Lean In to be honest.

Meanwhile, Gawker’s senior leadership and senior management positions has how many women or people of color? ZERO

And then you have the Thought Police talking about Tone Police...

He’s also a guy who was awarded the Nobel prize for a discovery that opened up new avenues for cancer research ... the internet is great at tearing things down, but I wonder how many anonymous Gawker internet commenters are going to replace his work on cancer.

Nah, that’s exactly what she’s saying. It was fine for the shame cycle to end his career, what wasn’t fine was when people started saying “Hey, hold on, that’s an overreaction” which is certainly an arguable position - it’s not like the man is ineducable. He’s a guy who made a stupid joke, he’s not a dog that mauled a

“We need to get out of the shame-spiral… well, we can spiral a little… only until it gets to the exact resolution I believe in.”

Why quote a dictionary in a legal discussion? I can proof a loaf of bread without proving a damn thing, and literary deranged does not not mean legally deluded. This is not a difficult thing to grasp.