Man, I love Maura Tierney. Just listen to her, she's awesome!
Man, I love Maura Tierney. Just listen to her, she's awesome!
Yes, it does.
Yes. Transference sits comfortably next to Kill The Moonlight as their absolute best for me. I fell in love with every single second of that album when it came out and I may even feel more strongly about it now (which I confirmed this past week while listening to their entire catalog again).
I got a Bait Bus notification for this?!
I would murder them.
That's a great book moment that perfectly sets up Tyrion's psychological state after ASOS. It made me loudly gasp when I first read it and was sorely missed (even if the choice made sense character-wise for the show).
That's the one danger in adaptation: things that may be hazy, mysterious, or hinted at in the books must be made literal too quickly on the show for practical purposes. See also: the brothers Clegane.
Same here. The one non-book reader in the room tonight only had two comments during the show, and one of them was "wait, isn't he supposed to be escaping? why is he going there?" (the other was "Holy shit!" when Tyrion shot Tywin). Removing the Tysha stuff makes Tyrion's detour rather odd.
That one was brilliant. It made my day.
Look at him!
Getting off!
I can't wait for the Dorne stuff. It's remarkable how quickly I became engaged with it in the books given that they were brand new characters. Also, where's Arianne?
And bodybuilding chemicals…
Yes! I love that exchange. It cracks me up.
I still quote that to this day, for any given reason really, no need for a good one. It's just such a fun thing to say. I also quote the last time it's said, which always makes me laugh (as said above, this movie is a damn good comedy).
Cave In's Jupiter + Rarities reissue?
All I could think of then was "really? they're going for the Mexican chauffeur thing? ugh." Why the hell was no one riding in the passenger seat?
It was upsetting to see Shirley join in on that stupid, racist canard of Carlos cooking "only Mexican food" while the other three have been cooking "beautiful food" (seriously, fuck you). I get the editing manipulation and everything but that was a low point for me. Add that to the weird "let's turn on Carlos" thing…
Yeah, the racism in Nick's comments re: Carlos and his "Mexican food" were pretty gross. I didn't really care much for the manufactured conflict, but that pissed me off.
Everything I hear about this system sounds like the culmination of the Bloated Video Game System Nightmare. It's not surprising that I was almost at the last paragraph of this review and realized that I had yet to read anything about the actual gaming experience. As unimpressive as the PS4's rollout has been, it…
I actually googled it because I suspected something along those lines ("in some places, 'habañero' is acceptable") and ended up reading that awesome Wikipedia entry, too. I like how matter-of-fact it is about it being an English thing (i.e., "habanero" isn't "more common," it's the actual pronunciation). Apparently…