
Now is a good time to confirm this before I offend anyone else:

This. This. A thousand times this.

Thunder is hot. That strut while walking into She’s got the sway down. came out??? I’m being sincere....I thought it was just a concept at a car show a few years back.

Both are cousins to “Not to be racist, but....”

Season 2 of Marvel’s Yawn Fest 2000

It didn’t stop him from making Age of Ultron, but I guess he raised his standards.

I’m a fan. I thought she was great in Death Proof. This made me happy.

If you’re curious, the cast from Agents of Shield were just outside the studio, rummaging through the dumpster just before being chased off the lot by a custodian with an air horn and broom.

As one whose entire family is from Africa, I am just so so fucking excited for this movie. The reviews are just stoking my excitement.

This looks way better than the night-time, underwater mediocre fest that was the first movie.

It wasn’t a perfect movie. It had a lot of problems and missed opportunities.

Diversity needs to sell. The stories need to cross lines and be appealing for the work to be supported. If Io9 is suggesting that representation is itself a selling point to any work of entertainment then that just opens the door to some very poor possibilities.

I was acutely aware of Iron Man leading up to its release. And VERY aware of the first Avengers movie. Justice League just kind of....opened. My wife, who is a good barometer to measure market penetration and awareness (as a casual fan), didn’t even know what it was.

She’s adorable.

I wasn’t even aware Justice League came out when it did. The hype machine did not penetrate my sphere at all.

This. My prediction is that out of severe desperation, Warner Brothers in all their infinite incompetence will inundate Patty Jenkins with executive mandates and notes that Spider Man 3 the whole project to shit, ruining even that modest gem.

Hating Brendan Fraser is not some idiosyncratic quirk unique to your wife. He’s a toxic evil that needs to be cleansed by the purifying fires of the righteous. God, he’s awful.

Wouldn’t someone who has bought an STI likely have modded to run the same if not similar spec to this RA?

This must be made into a game. I must have this.