
This man isn't proselytizing. He is admonishing. Big difference between seeking out converts and condemning non-believers.

On the plus side, this has reacquinted me to the brilliance of classic Smokey Robinson. Youtubing a playlist now.

Having never played Alpha Centauri, but being a huge Civ 5 fanatic (bought almost all the DLC, and modded the game to the hilt) I am shall we say, cautiously optimistic and intensely curious about this one.

On behalf of the shadowy cabal of shape-shifting lizard people from a subterranean realm, I say this:

"...greatest kung-fu guy in the history of JAPAN..."

As a man, I can relate to SOME of the SELECTIONS. I haven't even bothered with the rest of it, and then the rest of the selections even are.....troubling. That said, "watch your weight" and "needing quiet" carry a lot of weight, BUT they do go both ways, absolutely.

...and hopefully that narration is in a terrible rendition of Jamaican patois.

Wil Wheaton is such a great spokesperson for the community. Love him.

He was one of the best things about B in Apt 23, though there were about a MILLION great things about that show. I am still shocked and disappointed that it didn't get the support it deserved, and yet 2 1/2 Men is still on the air.

I'm thinking Facebook wants to incorporate VR in some form of communication platform, maybe the existing messaging system in FB. Maybe even a virtual social networking hub similar to Playstation Home but with VR.

Absolutely. In fact I'm heartened to see the majority of posters really showing that they have an understanding that Kickstarter is not E*Trade. Lot of smart posters here for once.

If I was pissed that my friend didn't give me any of his winnings, that's on me entirely, not him. Those are my feelings of frustration and greed that are fueling my angry reaction. Its a reaction not based on anything he did to me, but what I felt he didn't do FOR me, and there is a huge difference there.

When it comes to money exchanges, legally recognized agreements are all that matters. Morality, while nice, should have zero bearing here and in your example.

It's amazing how experiences in the work place change everything, eh? I've worked for companies big and small, and it really has evened out my perspective on things. I still think banks are by far the most destructive institutions in the world. Its a head scratcher how they literally seem to get away with murder and

Watched the trailer. I strongly suggest renaming the film "Step Up: Um, What Are Black People?"

I loved this piece and I think its important. However, what Peter suggests isn't "new" or at all revelatory. Having worked for large and small companies before, I've seen what he describes in action.

Not something to celebrate. Not a life to even dignify with any sort of notice either. Our best revenge against hate is to pay it no heed.

I was not aware that Destiny had changed it's name to Titanfall.

I really like how the new design honors the general form of the original. Streamlined and made a bit more articulated, with some nods to dinosaur and lizard features, but generally recognizable and within the zone of the original iconic design.

"I believe in religious freedom"