Ben Jones

Can you also understand that making a blanket statement that itemising a bill is tacky and cheap is incredibly insulting and condescending?

“if the difference between $14 and $30 is enough to impact your ability to pay RENT, then you shouldn’t be going out to dinner at ALL.”

Yeah it’s totally fair to give Caleb more credit than I am, and the different interpretations that the film offers is one of the reasons I live it.

Is he a really a good person though? Sure he definitely and honestly thinks that he is, but his actions can be interpreted otherwise.

So does waiting not count as a real job to you because at some point during a shift they might have the spare time to post a comment on the internet? I’m guessing that office work constitutes a real job to you, and I can assure you that people working at a desk ‘play on the internet’ far more than waitstaff are able

Wait, you got your step-mother fired because she screamed at you over being on a date when she didn’t know you were currently single? Not judging the family dynamic you have going there, but it seems to me that you went to that particular restaurant that you knew she would be working in with the intent of causing a

It varies from country to country, but I’ve never been anywhere in Europe that has a tipping culture similar to the US. It isn’t required to leave a tip in the same way that it is in the States, and I don’t know of any culture that rejects tipping in a way similar to say Japan. I have mostly visited Western

Even though The Post and especially Darkest Hour do not belong anywhere near the Best Picture list, the other 7 nominations show that 2017 was an incredible year for film. If I could swap out the undeserving two in favour of The Florida Project and Good Time then last year would undeniably be the greatest nominations

For any UK readers interested about how the system works here, cash tips go straight to your server and it is illegal for the restaurant owners/managers to take any cut from this. They can take from card tips however, but many in many restaurants the tip is taken out of the till in cash when your bill is cashed up, so

It’s not being a pill to support tax evasion, but you are a bit of a pill ignoring the other points that were made in support of cash tips, chiefly that it better ensures your server and other staff keep the full amount that you wish to tip them rather than the restaurant owner taking a percentage from a card tip. It

Before seeing Black Panther I also assumed the Soul Stone would be in Wakanda, especially after the Infinity War trailer showed Thanos’ forces invading the country, and to be fair it likely will be there.

This is not a courtesy reply, this is a necessary reply. I have to reply to your reply as my life depends on it. I regret that you seem to have little empathy for other people and have decided to take the cheapest possible option when dining rather than take a pragmatic approach. It is regrettable yes, but

In many cases you can refuse to pay a service charge, and then tip you’re usual 20% to ensure that it does go straight to the service staff and that the owner does not take their own cut.

I thought the dispute was over MoviePass demanding a cut of the concession sales, something that apparently they have started taking from many smaller theatre chains and independent cinemas that don’t have the option to deny MoviePass out of fear that they will also end any partnership. In this case AMC is big enough