So she bans Kim Burrell from her show because of homophobic comments yet basically cites “let’s be kind to one another” with a war criminal who wanted his anti- LGBT views in the fucking constitution.
Exactly. It is not about being “nice” to each other. This is about how rich people are friends with RICH PEOPLE! They were in the owner’s suite, not in the nosebleeds and just happened to be sitting next to each other. There are not a lot of rich and famous people in the population. OF COURSE they are friendly! It is…
Exactly. That’s the key distinction. That is a men’s shoe with a heel. It is not a pair of heels.
It must be confusing for Kylie. She’s only in her early twenties and for her entire life, she and everyone she knows have made a career out of ostentatious over-consumption. And now people are mad at her about it? She literally has no other skills or training beyond being a professional performative rich person/Barbie…
its horrible and not child safe
I have yet to see any of these famous rich people have a home I’d like to live in or even remotely think is nice. (Not saying I’m the arbitrator or taste) but fucking hell their homes are gaudy, gross and GAUDY. I googled Kylie Jenner living room and this is apparently her current, and I present without comment.
Yeah the people at the top always find a way to make sure they get taken care of even if their net worth is almost exclusively based in illiquid equity holdings, while their employees taking a pay cut in exchange for the promise of equity have to pray that nothing goes wrong until the IPO. See what’s going down at…
Excellent video and explanation, Kelly!
A celebrity slaps their name on some crap that’s produced in the same factory in China as all the no-name brand crap, hikes up the price 15,000% and people go nuts! And now they’re probably planning to put their kid’s name on crap and watch stupid people’s money roll in. Even more of it, that is. They’re already…
Not fer nuthin’ but I found a purple ivy (as there are only 2 Blue ones, apparently) and lo! What’s in a name, after all?
Jimmy Carter once said that the reason he and Rosalyn had such a successful marriage was because they both had separate interests and they gave each other space to pursue them and then sort of came back together to hear about each other, so that they could each be fulfilled but also work together as a team. That…
And throw in the Rust Belt and the Midwest in as well. I’m sick of these people needing their god damn hands held, or else they threaten to fuck over the entire world because they feel they didn’t get pandered to enough. I live in Texas, Dem candidates only come here to raise money, yet I don’t turn around and throw a…
“Electability” is just a code word for “The next guy in line deserves his shot!”, a.k.a., the party establishment knows best.
My best guess is that Barron has already been caught vaping.
“Productize” is going into my Great Dictionary of Corporate Buzzword Anthimeria and Other Amusing Sayings. Hopefully it will die a quick and relatively painless death.
This is beyond gross. I didn’t even know referees could disqualify swimmers for this?? I competitively swam for years! And then I did competitive diving and I can’t even tell you how many times my swimsuit was pulled down by the force of entry. I had to quickly adjust it on my way to the surface so no one would see my…
This is just giving me flashbacks of my time on the swimteam. It’s such a nightmare for kids who aren’t thin/fit looking, regardless of the fact that we’re all swiming thousands of meters. Having to be an adolescent fat girl in those awful uniforms is a kind of torture I wouldn’t give my worst enemy.
There is nothing bewildering about mothering unless Huffman was raised by androids in a hermetically sealed bubble completely bereft of human women who have given birth to and raised children.
Because he’s a man; he doesn’t have to be likable.