
The coward Rob Ford?

Spoken like every woman I have slept with.

I liked when James Gandolfini beat Peter Riegert with his belt.  I also liked Peter Riegert in that cute movie where he sold pickles.

I agree that the ensemble will be the "star" of this show with a possible breakout star being that old guy who plays Sgt. Fish.

Have you seen this sitcom called Family Ties?  It features this character named Alex P. Keaton who's really funny, unless it's a very special episode of Family Ties where he is not so funny.

I laughed at my dad once and then he handcuffed me to a table leg and burned my arms and back with his cigar.  He's dead now.

I remember how crappy My Mother the Car was in the beginning.

" She’s having one of the all-time great TV seasons, to the point where I
suspect the last seven episodes of the season could just feature her
doing her own rendition of “The Old Grey Mare,” and this would remain
the case."

" She’s having one of the all-time great TV seasons, to the point where I
suspect the last seven episodes of the season could just feature her
doing her own rendition of “The Old Grey Mare,” and this would remain
the case."

Every time I see that greaseball I feel like I'm getting gypped from those premium channel rates.

Every time I see that greaseball I feel like I'm getting gypped from those premium channel rates.

I live in Bosnia and I can buy a nice prosthetic tin face mask like Richard's in at least a dozen shops in Sarajevo for around 50 feningas.

I live in Bosnia and I can buy a nice prosthetic tin face mask like Richard's in at least a dozen shops in Sarajevo for around 50 feningas.

Have you ever kissed another human being?  I mean romantically.  While they were alive.

Have you ever kissed another human being?  I mean romantically.  While they were alive.

Hey, I'm all for Catholic priests getting a beating, but that oafish greaseball needs his intestines stomped out through his nose.

Hey, I'm all for Catholic priests getting a beating, but that oafish greaseball needs his intestines stomped out through his nose.

You sir, obviously have not fucked enough 1920's chicks.

You sir, obviously have not fucked enough 1920's chicks.