
His finest role was as Sodapop Curtis in The Outsiders, duh!

Many years ago I worked at a Wendy's restaurant in Bolinginbrook, IL.  That's all I got.

 Crap, I watched the wrong 10 minutes of this show.

I saw 10 minutes of the show so here is my critique:
Husky-voiced wedding singer: Bad
Justin Bieberish kid: Good
I used to like that song from Shrek.  Used to.

"whereas Alicia could care less). But Zack’s final gambit – turning Jackie’s words against Alicia to give Nisa an all-access pass? Well, I just wish I’d been that clever when I was a teenager."

I just wanna see him kick David Letterman in the teeth.

What is it with you foreign dorks who watch the original versions of those shows?

Palm…is who I'll be spending time with instead of watching another year of this shit.

I'm on to you sister and I don't like what you're selling.

Yeah, they had to replace that insignificant actress with another.  I hope this doesn't your Jane Levy shrine, whoever she is.

It sure is.  The reviewer of Shameless should switch with the reviewer of that shit Don Cheadle catastrophe the follows Shameless, House of Lies,  he would think that is hilarious.

You write in a diary?  Hahaha, what a dork.

I was really hoping Grace's head would be severed and displayed on a stick affixed to the Clark St. Bridge.  Damn promos.

Pay attention, Simon said that 2 days ago, yesterday he wanted StereoHogzzzzzzzz booted off.

I'd like it to rain my golden showers over the golden bodies of the lovely Lakoda Rayne.

Rats right Reorge!

…says the fellow addicted to clown porn.

I like this show but the " boys" are terrible. Send them all off so they can take their places in L.A.'s petting zoo.

Is your avatar actually you?  Will you smoke like that after we have coitus?  My avatar is a younger version of me with my hair bleached.  Do you find my lederhosen provacative? Do you have pets?  I enjoy cheese.

"Moo and Oink! Moo and Oink!  Moo Moo Moo Moo Moooooooooooooo & Oink!"