It is always adorable that you exGawkerites use rich as a pejorative.
It is always adorable that you exGawkerites use rich as a pejorative.
Felony Vandalism? Were they a part of the firebombing of a gay Jewish immigrant attempting to speak at Berkeley last night?
Kevin, can you direct me to your column blasting Barry Obama for murdering Abdulrahman al-Awlaki? Or maybe just your multiple columns on Barry’s illegal wars where he bombed the hell out of Muslims?
Or your column blasting Bomani (the 3rd most urbane commentator on for race baiting on every television and…
Actually if you got out of your regressive bubble you would see the real scumbags are the leaders of the taxicab syndicate that banned their drivers from working and making money to support their families.
Maybe The Root can go full Gawker and post some nude pictures of Carolyn.
The irony of Jezebel mocking somebody for finally getting a fact correct is not lost on any of us.
Patsos is white, Baggett is black. Time for Deadspin to go full Gawker and smear Patsos as RACIST.
Any chance you guys can post some nude photos or maybe a sex video of Aaron Rodgers’ dad? Using your own rules that would be newsworthy.
If you have followed Lewis’s career you’d see he is completely Constitutionally illiterate so it is no surprise that he would have a temper tantrum and not understand democratic free elections are legitimate.
To be fair, If Columbus Day is now childishly called, “Indigenous Peoples Day” logically there should be no problem with the name of this day.
To be fair it is clear this former Gawker Media site is going after SEAL Team Six because the world gave them, and not Dear Leader Obama, credit for killing Bin Laden.
Given that you are a sports website that enjoys outing Gay people, your opinion on journalistic ethics is pretty meaningless.
Remember when Deadspin wrote a column demanding the Democrats impeach Obama for murdering brown American child Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlak without due process? Good times.
What exactly was wrong with what he said? I can understand if you fancy yourself as a professional victim, you’d be able to get off by being faux-offended by it, but other than that, what’s wrong?
So, since you ex-Gawkerites are taking a break from posting revenge porn and outing gay people you are going back to your old standby of word and thought policing innocent people.
If hired, do I get to post revenge porn and out innocent gay people?
Koch connections? But you’d adorably be ok with Soros connections?