I love all of these articles so much. The silverback gorilla instead of Kate Winslet made me laugh so hard I disturbed the cat on my lap and have tears running down my face. True comedy gold, thank you!
I love all of these articles so much. The silverback gorilla instead of Kate Winslet made me laugh so hard I disturbed the cat on my lap and have tears running down my face. True comedy gold, thank you!
I’m 29 my boyfriend is 37 im finishing my ba in April and I'm starting to freak out because decision times are comming .
It’s because Simpson’s quotes are amazing. :-) they always improve the conversation.
Thank you, awesome. I love a good Simpson’s quote. :-) it made me lol in irl.
My BoyFriend doesn’t like the true crime stuff either. He finds it upsetting. I’m like whatever, this woman just poisoned her whole family. I’m pretty sure they deserved it. . . Oh and this one chopped her boyfriend into pieces and spread him across Australia. I’m not sure why he doesn’t like watching them. lol.
I agree, I always go a little crazy when it comes to fall themed food. Trader Joe’s gets all my money. They take half their items, add pumpkin to the title and I buy it.
Ha career pause, It makes it sound like everyone everywhere has this luxury of having these dream jobs. My company makes me feel like I should be privileged to have a $12 an hour 20 hour position, (I was working 35 but they cut them back because they technically only hired me for 20 with about a weeks notice that they…
I haven't had tried it yet, but I have watched way too many YouTube videos which recommended https://www.madison-reed.com which was started by a woman who wanted a hair dye that wasn't full of terrible things. It's like 25 bucks OR 20 if you get a recurring orders, it is more then store dye but less then a salon. I…
My sister decided to get married on a whim and told me about it 3 hours before hand. I had not washed my hair that day and was frantically writing a paper due the next day. She wanted me to be maid of honor. I grabbed my home coming dress (that had not been dry cleaned) and shoes, threw my hair in a bun, and went…
This comment made me literately LOL.
I loved the cook book, when I was like 8 My mom took a nap and my dad was "watching" me. I made the potato salad recipe cutting them up in lovely bit sized pieces with the big kitchen knife. The only thing I didn't do was boil the potatoes first. My mom was not happy when she woke up, luckily I still had all my…