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    He’s already out of the greys. Someone needs to call out his posts so that passersby not in the know will realize he pretends to be a concerned human. When in fact he is neither concerned nor human.

    Shy Guys finish last.

    Where are my partners????

    So much for FILM THE POLICE, huh.

    CNN had the Running from the Cops podcast guy on earlier. Apparently he was also a reality TV producer and was talking about COPS’ tactics/stats of white arrests v. POC arrests, and how POC arrests were shown more often within the first five minutes to hook viewers with “good TV” (even though there were, overall, more

    Your comments are like rice cakes. After I partake, I know I did, but there was so little substance I can’t remember what it was like or why I did it. But I leave disappointed regardless.

    We could’ve had Warren or Harris or Castro or...anyone except Amy, Pete or Biden. With VP, maybe we still can.

    Texas would like a chance.

    If the Kindle deal is only for Sunday, why keep it on the list the rest of the week?

    If the Kindle deal is only for Sunday, why keep it on the list the rest of the week?

    It’s bonkers to me that after 6 years, there still isn’t another enemy race. Sure, there are variations on the mains, but come on.

    What’s funny is, after reading your comment I realized I’d conflated Warmind with Osiris. But honestly, both of the stories were pretty trash can, as you’ve summarized here.

    There was a story in Warmind? I must have missed it.

    Can you eat shit if you are a piece of it? Would that make you a cannibal?

    Not to mention...it’s on Twitter. If these “adults” want to be taken seriously, try putting out an actual press release?

    He can take a long walk off a short dock. One of the many idiots who hides behind “veteran” title.

    Feel free to aim it at him. He’s a bad-faith troll.

    I mean, you know if he could...

    He’s just getting pissy because his MAGA Military didn’t show up for him this weekend when he needed them most. Instead he had to turn the lights out and pretend he wasn’t home.

    No, I’m just saying they really wouldn’t have excuses to have access to the military-grade weaponry/armor that they currently have.

    I have a friend who is a cop (I know, but it seems like most people do), and he was pepper-sprayed upon orientation. He said that wet naps are the best, milk is second and water sucks. I don’t think they were squirting water in their faces however, I believe they were trying to wash it out in the sink?