Now I’m thinking about all my organs just...sitting there, piled on top of each other. Thanks for that.
Now I’m thinking about all my organs just...sitting there, piled on top of each other. Thanks for that.
I would add Hitman (2016) or Hitman 2 (2019?) to this list. I haven’t played 2, but if it’s as (almost) infinitely replayable as the 2016 version, you can sink a lot of quarantine hours into it.
To be fair, I feel like a train wreck is already an emergency, but...
He literally already blamed Europe when he banned travel. Something that, while sucks, may have actually been somewhat useful...if done waaaaaay back when he first learned of the issue. What a maroon.
More competent assholes, at least.
Yeah, I mean, imagine her reaction if it was Obama who was botching this so terribly.
How to Tell Who’s Full of Shit When Talking They’re About Coronavirus
Y’all remember when you could just scroll to the end of an article and read the comments without having to reload the page 54 times and hope for the best?
Yep, this virus that no one’s had before. This virus that no one has a vaccine for. This virus that no one had a reliable way to test for at the beginning. This virus that no one knew how it was transmitted at the beginning. This virus that has a higher death rate than the flu, by percentage so far. This virus that…
and it depends a lot on when the picture was taken
I hear ignorance is bliss; stupidity like yours must be ecstasy.
Hey now, we can’t know what’s truly in their hearts.
I ain’t trying to carry water for him or anything, but how I read it, he meant nothing shuts down when 36,000 die from the flu. So how OuTrAgEoUs is it that everything’s shutting down for the virus that literally no one was prepared for.
Wait, is that a real screen grab from a show on Fox?
Cue the cries of conservative censorship in 3, 2, 1...
Can we just dump everyone else and have her for president?
Very good read. Had me tearing up a little at work.
Anyone interested in this, also check out Kitboga streaming on Twitch. He has different virtual machines set up, and sees how long he can keep scammers on the phone, before they either catch on, or he blows it up on them.